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Watch How It All Came Together In Four Brand New Featurettes For 24: LIVE ANOTHER DAY

Move over Spider-Man and Michael Bay, with less than a month to go before the premiere of 24: Live Another Day, Fox is doing everything it can to make the return of Jack Bauer the biggest event of the summer. In today’s goodie bag, the network has released four all new behind-the-scenes featurettes covering everything from how the show has changed in the four years since the end of season eight, to what it was like to take the show to London for the first time.

Check ’em out:


Something worth noting about all of this is it appears there will be very few subplots outside of Jack’s main mission of stopping the terrorist attack on London. Something that many fans and non-fans alike always agreed on was the subplots in season one through eight were always hit or miss, but with only 12 episodes to play with in Live Another Day, it seems we’re going to be getting the streamlined 24 we’ve always wanted to see.

24: Live Another Day premiere May 5th on Fox.

Image: Fox

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  1. Ani Stefani says:

    Oh Jack, how we’ve missed you! Now if only we could get JJ to bring back Fringe…my life will be complete.