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Watch Bradley Cooper Shred On Air Guitar On ‘The Tonight Show With Jimmy Fallon’

Bradley Cooper has been making LOTS of headlines this week. First off, there’s his recent—and somewhat confounding—W Magazine cover, where he appears to be giving Alan Cumming a run for his money as The Emcee in Cabaret.


Secondly, he made an appearance on The Tonight Show, where he shot the shiz with host Jimmy Fallon about his multitude of talents, which include acting (of course), producing (this year, he formed a production company with Hangover director Todd Phillips), performing on Broadway (he’s currently starring in The Elephant Man) and, perhaps not as widely known, air guitar-ing.

Sure, it’s not his most recognized area of expertise, but Cooper managed to shake out his arms and perform a pret-ty impressive rendition of the solo from Neil Young’s “Down By The River.”

We don’t know the logistics involved with memorizing an air guitar solo, but if anyone can pull it off, it’s Bradley Cooper.

Oh, and in case you’re wondering why Cooper and Fallon are wearing those odd coifs, it’s in celebration of Mr. Cooper’s birthday. (Homeboy just turned 4-0. Dang! He looks good.)

Doth we smell a new tradition? Perhaps. The Birthday Afro might very well be the next Wreath Witherspoon. Thoughts??

Before we send you on your merry way—because we’re having a hard time adjusting from the holidays—we’d like to share one more photo from the American Sniper star’s W spread.

Is that an Angelina Jolie leg he’s popping?

So. Many. Feels.


If you’d like to speculate the exercises that give Bradley Cooper such killer stems, hit up Leslie Simon on Twitter at @redpatterndress. Inquiring minds want to know.

[H/T: W Magazine, Instagram]

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