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Watch ARROW’s Felicity Smoak Not Get Pranked (Exclusive)

Heads up, Arrowheads! We’ve got a brand spanking new clip from “Beyond Redemption,” tonight’s eagerly awaited episode of the CW hit series Arrow, airing at 8/7 central time. It features the fabulous Felicity Smoak (as played by the awesome Emily Bett Rickards) and Michael Holt (actor Echo Kellum), whom we dearly hope will soon become, as he does in the comic books, Mister Terrific.

If you’ve been keeping up with the show this season, you know that Felicity has inherited Palmer Technologies from her ex-boyfriend, Ray Palmer. Though Ray perished in a recent laboratory explosion, last week’s episode “Restoration” saw Felicity receive a mysterious message that may have come from the industrialist-turned-superhero. In this clip, she and her new ally/tech guy find further evidence that Palmer could be telling them something. (If only they could just watch the trailer for next year’s spinoff show Legends of Tomorrow, everything would be made clear, darn it!) There’s also a big bonus for comic book fans here with the mention of Neal Adams, the real-life comic book artist who illustrated some of the Green Arrow‘s greatest stories, and who first gave the character facial hair and designed his best-known costume.

This season of Arrow has gotten better every week, with Oliver Queen finally adopting the moniker Green Arrow, actor Neal McDonough killing it as the show’s mystically powered new Big Bad, crime lord Damian Darhk, and actress Willa Holland, as Oliver’s sister Thea, cutting a mean figure as Star City’s newest crimefighting archer, Speedy. Plus, last week’s episode saw fan-favorite Sara Lance (who will also be a regular on Legends of Tomorrow) return to life via Ra’s al Ghul’s infamous Lazarus Pit. So if you haven’t watched the show lately, do yourself a favor and check it out tonight!

Are you watching Arrow? Let us know in the comments below.

Image Credit: The CW

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