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Watch all Six STAR WARS Films at the Same Time

When Star Wars fans come together, there’s often a great quote-off to see who knows the best parts from the best films, AKA one great debate. It’s difficult to rank aspects of the films since they all stack up differently when placed side by side. Thankfully, that has become a whole lot easier now with “Star Wars Wars”.

Marcus Rosentrater, the Atlanta-based filmmaker and senior animator responsible for the TV series Archer, has taken it upon himself to see how all six Star Wars films compare. The trick? Watching them all simultaneously. In “Star Wars Wars”, Rosentrater overlaps every single full-length film on top of one another for a mind-bending look into the series. Prepare yourself. It’s actually far more entertaining than the train wreck it seems like it’s meant to be.

There’s a lot of humor in it (duh), but it’s actually cool for several other reasons. For one, you can watch as tiny differences in the franchise reveal themselves. The iconic title gets a little larger in the later episodes, Lucasarts’ font changes, lightsabers get a different sheen, and color contrast gets upped. If you listen really, really, really closely, you can hear the faint whisper of the internet saying, “You’re welcome.”

Of course, this also makes for a visually stunning art project. Practically all screenshots from the layering look like intricate, colorful, hand-drawn paintings. A collection of them are over at Imgur, but we’ve pulled a few of the best to check out below. Enjoy your sanity while it lasts, young jedi. Happy viewing!







HT: Laughing Squid

IMAGES: maurcs

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