Like all of mankind, you have probably yearned to take flight like a bird and soar among the clouds. But since we haven’t figured out how to make that happen yet, would you settle for jumping from a point way up high and falling down through them? If the idea of taking a leap off a tall building into a blanket of clouds that completely hide the ground below sounds a bit too scary for you, that’s okay—you’re totally normal. But it’s still beautiful to see someone else do it.
In the above video from the YouTube channel Negative4 Productions, which we found via Sploid, a BASE jumper leaps from a skyscraper into a bank of clouds that completely ensconce the surrounding buildings. The visuals here are genuinely stunning, making the video feel like it’s taking place on another planet. Structures poke out from the fog as though the clouds themselves are their foundations. Of course, that beauty gives way to terror when our hero leaps, as he quickly becomes a tiny black spot against the white. It feels as though he pulled his chute very quickly, but when he goes through the clouds and emerges on the other side you realize how close the ground really was at that point… making it even more terrifying in retrospect.
The man in the video is leaping from the Sulafa Tower in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. The skyscraper is 76 stories tall, with a total height of 945 feet (902 feet at the last occupied height). What is really nuts is that this is only the 21st tallest skyscraper in Dubai (130th in the world). Dubai is basically turning into Cloud City from The Empire Strikes Back, or the type of place we expect George Jetson to live.
The dream of flying high like a bird in the clouds is an old one, but it turns out watching someone fall through them isn’t a bad alternative either.
Would you do this? Would you BASE jump from a skyscraper when you couldn’t see the ground? Fy into our comments section to tell us why.
Images: Negative4 Productions