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Walk Through STAR TREK VOYAGER With Oculus Rift and Unreal Engine 4

We’re one step closer to boldly going where no one has gone before thanks to indie developer Thomas Kadlec. He’s created a Star Trek Voyager Oculus Rift demo using Epic Games’ Unreal Engine 4, the first of its kind.

The Starship Bridge Demo “game” takes full control of the Unreal Engine 4’s power as it recreates in extreme detail the Voyager’s bridge, complete with computer monitors with lit buttons and windows that display the stars of a galaxy far, far away.

And while the Voyager’s bridge looks incredible, don’t expect your eyes to feast upon Seven of Nine. The Voyager’s crew is absent, with their only presence in the form of audio clips from Captain Janeway and co.

Take a look at the Starship Bridge Demo:

Though we can’t explore more of the Voyager’s insides with the demo, with the $19/month price tag to use Unreal Engine 4, I’m sure it won’t be too long before we see other famous sci-fi ships like the Battlestar Galactica and Serenity recreated in full.

You can download the Starship Bridge Demo here.

HT: Road To VR



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  1. Josh says:

    Anybody else bothered by “The Voyager” over and over again?

    I know it’s The Enterprise or The Defiant, but Voyager is always just Voyager.

  2. Ter-Jaiden says:

    The idea of wandering around Rapture makes me cream.