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Nerdist Special Reports

Wait: Is Felix Still in the ORPHAN BLACK Clone Club?

After the lack of Felix in the season premiere of Orphan Black‘s fourth installment—coupled with the revelations we received at the end of season three—it wouldn’t be so outlandish a question to ask: is he still in Clone Club? And what’s his relationship with Sarah, Mrs. S, Kira, and Kendall Malone now that he knows they—and all the sestras—are biologically related? Well, it’s a question without an easy or non-spoilery answer, but we took it to the cast’s stars, Tatiana Maslany and Jordan Gavaris, while on the series’ Toronto set in January to break down the relationship between the foster siblings now that the biggest thing they had in common (being orphans) is kinda-sorta no longer true.

In essence? Things will shift with Felix this season, as he goes on his own journey of discovering who and what make up his family—and whether or not he wants the sestras in it. Given that his has so often been a role of pure support and “ease of use,” if you will, it’s not surprising that he’s trying to getting a bit of space and perspective in the situation. For too long, Felix has been more of a commodity rather than a real person in the clones’ lives — and it looks like that may just stop this season.

But tune into Thursday’s episode of the series to find out a little bit more, and check out our other videos from the set here.

And if you want this season of the series completely and totally spoiled for real, watch the video below!

What do you think of season four so far? Let us know in the comments below.

Image: BBC America

Alicia Lutes is the Managing Editor of Nerdist and Chief Clone Club Correspondent. Find her on Twitter (@alicialutes)!

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