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Nerdist News

Why Virtual Reality is the Key to Saving Nintendo

Yesterday, a press conference from Square Enix brought us the official announcement for Dragon Quest 11, and the accidental announcement for the new Nintendo NX console! Nintendo has struggled to get the Wii U to take off, and now with this announcement it seems we will have a replacement console hitting shelves sometime in 2016. But what will the Nintendo NX be? With no official announcement and no details to date, we only have a few rumors to sink our teeth into, but the rumors we have sound pretty awesome! To wit, Silicon Valley tech advisors Digi-Capital are predicting it will be a “VR/AR social experience,” and we have our fingers crossed that this prediction comes true.

Join Jessica Chobot as we discuss all of the rumors surrounding the forthcoming console and what it could mean for the future of Nintendo, on today’s Nerdist News.

Thanks for watching today’s episode! Check out Dan Casey’s breakdown of the most essential Joker stories on The Dan Cave, and let us know in the comments if you’d be excited for augmented and virtual reality to be a part of the Nintendo gaming experience!

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