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Viktoria Modesta is Our First “Bionic” Pop Star

Due to numerous health issues and complications arising from multiple surgeries, at age 20 Viktoria Modesta voluntarily had her left leg amputated just below the knee. Then she became a pop star.

Earlier in December, British broadcaster Channel 4 “introduced the nation to an alternative pop artist” with Modesta’s first single, “Prototype.” You can watch the video below:

Though there are some CG elements, it’s amazing to see just how creatively Modesta uses her prosthetic limb. Having a leg made out of lights is certainly not boring. And her more opulent prosthetics reminds me of the culture set up by Deus Ex: Human Revolution‘s “Augs.”

Modesta’s performance is also one of the few instances I can remember where the word “bionic” is actually being used correctly in the advertising surrounding a release. She has a limb made out of lights! That’s a bionic pop star to me, and it helps that the song is as good as anything you’ll hear on the radio.

In short, I was expecting to see Modesta taking cringe-worthy advantage of the fact that she is an amputee performer. I was so wrong. Not only is the music good, her confidence and use of creative prosthetics really transported me to a Deus Ex-like vision of the future.

You can read more about Viktoria Modesta, and see a behind-the-scenes video of “Prototype,” here.

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  1. Adam says:

    It’s too bad the song is awful…

  2. Weolf says:

    Seems to me like she’s pushing an agenda. I am all for empowerment of the less mobile community (I am a physical therapist) but this art seems borderline encouraging to self inflicted damage. Not my style of music but interesting to observe.

  3. Koricon says:

    Why did they pull air into a syringe and then either stabbed her in the leg or pushed air into her veins and pull out blood?

    Are they saying right away that if you are a pop singer that you will either get stabbed or get your blood sucked out to become popular?  

  4. Andrew says:

    In the modern world, there are no disabilities, only setbacks and oppertunities for improvement.