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Video of Some of the Worst Special Effects in Movie History

“What the hell is this? This would look bad in a PlayStation 2 cut scene.”

Honestly, when you’re talking about the CGI of the actual Scorpion King from The Mummy Returns, that’s being generous. The computer generated version of The Rock in that movie is so bad it defies reason and may have set society back 50 years.

While that abomination of a special effect took the top spot on this list from, “10 Terrible CGI Moments In Big Budget Movies,” it’s not the only one worthy of scorn.

The rest of the list included:

All of these are teeeerrible, though Legolas had an even worse scene in The Hobbit, where he ran across a collapsing bridge in one of the dumbest looking scenes ever. Here it is in real time to show off how truly horrendous it is.


When I watched this video I really hoped they would include stupid flying Neo, the insulting Scorpion King, and that idiot dinosaur chase, and they did. And while I understand this was a list dedicated to terrible looking CGI, I do want to once again point out that the worst special effect in the history of all cinema is young Anakin Skywalker at the end of the special edition version of Return of the Jedi.

Obviously this list is far from complete, so tell us in the comments below what terrible CGI moments they missed.

HT: sploid
Image: Universal Pictures

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