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Breaking Down the POKÉMON Revealed in the New SUN and MOON Trailer

If there’s one thing Nintendo has loved doing over the past few months, it’s giving us a regular flow of teaser trailers to make the wait for Pokémon Sun and Moon feel that much longer. In the latest pair of trailers—one English, one Japanese—we learn about version-exclusive Pokémon, new Z-moves, and customization features. And from Harambe lookalikes to cutie li’l lemur types, we’re breaking them all down in today’s Nerdist News.

If you pick up a copy of Pokémon Sun, you’ll be able to catch Passimian, a lemur-like Pokémon that has a pack mentality. They live in groups of 20 to 30, and the troop will help and coordinate with each other in battle. It also has the neat Receiver ability, which allows it to inherit the ability of a fainted ally. In Moon, there’s Oranguru, an orangutan-like creature that has an opposite personality type to Passimian.

Oranguru spend a lot of time alone in meditation, but is very kind to other Pokémon, taking care of the sick and weary. They’ve been mistaken for humans before, and it’s rumored that they’ve even used Pokéballs before, so let’s hope an Oranguru uprising isn’t in the near future. Rockruff will also have version specific evolutionary forms, transforming into its Midday Form in Sun and its Midnight Form in Moon.

Eevee and Pikachu are getting their own Z-moves, but let’s talk about Pikachu’s Catastropika for a second: The move involves the trainer and Pikachu doing a wonderful choreographed dance routine before the trainer throws Pikachu into an attack. It’s glorious and will fill whatever void your life may have.

In the new games, you’ll also be able to make your trainer look more like you than ever before, with the ability to customize your hair, clothes, and so on. Check out the English trailer above and the Japanese video below, and let us know if you’ll ever force yourself to do anything besides use Catastropika.


 What do you think of the new trailer and pocket monsters? Let us know in the comments below!

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