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VENOM with Eyeballs Is Sweet, Sweet Nightmare Fuel

After seeing so much of Venom in this week’s trailer, we know substantially more about the movie, from how well this incarnation of Eddie Brock will take to the symbiote life (very!) to whether or not Venom would lick that guy’s face (he did!). Now, thanks to one man, any questions that still remained have been replaced by a query more sinister than anything the trailer had to offer:

Within a day of the trailer’s release, producer and podcast host Matthew Gaydos put the image of Venom with eyeballs out into the world. Actually, he put two images of Venom with eyeballs out into the world, and they’re nothing short of harrowing. The addition of baby blues transforms what’s already one of Marvel’s creepier characters into pure nightmare fuel. Personally, I’ve overcome my fear in the hours since I first saw Ol’ Blue Eyes and I’m starting to see the beauty in the new (and, arguably, improved) Venom.

Not everyone agrees with me, though. The Internet seems to be divided on whether we should cower in fear…

…or embrace the terror and meme-ify it.

No matter how you feel about blue-eyed Venom, you can’t deny the ingenuity on display here.

Sweet dreams!

Do you prefer your Venom with pupils or without? Let us know in the comments!

Images: Marvel/Sony

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