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VENOM Becomes a Rom-Com in New Blu-ray Trailer

Venom made more money worldwide at the box office than every X-Men movie ever, even besting Deadpool. But that does seem like an arbitrary comparison, since X-Men and Deadpool are superhero movies, and Venom is a romantic comedy. When the movie wasn’t busy biting peoples’ heads off, it was a sweet story of unlikely love between two losers, and the internet responded in kind by shipping Tom Hardy‘s Eddie Brock and our favorite Symbiote with some amazing art. Now Sony has fully embraced “Symbrock,” in a new promo ahead of its Blu-ray release that celebrates the greatest and weirdest love story of our generation.

This brilliant new ad from Sony (which we first saw at io9) for the film’s home release is obviously a parody having fun with the most popular talking point from audiences. And yet it feels like a far more accurate portrayal of what the movie was really like than the initial dark, serious trailers hinted at. Venom was far stranger and more fun than we would have guessed, and the absurd, totally sincere interactions between Eddie and Venom were easily the best parts of the film.

Plus Venom literally made out with Eddie when the Symbiote merged with Michelle Williams’ Anne, which was really freaking bizarre. Then again, most great love stories are complicated, so maybe it wasn’t that weird.

No, it was, and that’s what we loved about it.

The timeless love story that is Venom comes to digital on December 11, and on Blu-ray December 18.

Images: Sony



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