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Vacuuming a Harmonica Will be the Best 10 Seconds of Your Day

It’s the simple things in life. The smell of fresh-cut grass on a summer morning, that thing  when your scissors starts sliding while cutting construction paper (hell yeah). They don’t take much time or effort to experience, but disproportionately make your day. Time to add another simple pleasure to the list, because vacuuming a harmonica is the essence of delightful.

In the tweet below, which has gone more than viral in Japan, user @CelloMetaGirl took a video of a friend putting a vacuum against a harmonica, saying simply “Laughed to death.”

If you didn’t at least smile at that then you have a heart made of stone.

The lovely demonstration also proves something interesting about the way vacuums work — nothing in the universe “sucks.” Instead, fluids like air move from areas of high pressure to areas of low pressure, so “sucking” is just “pushing.” A vacuum creates an area of low pressure by spinning some element at high speed (faster moving air has a lower pressure). The surrounding atmosphere has a higher pressure, so air moves into the vacuum, and through a harmonica if it is in the way.

So in the tweet above, it’s not the vacuum playing the harmonica, but the weight of the Earth’s air. Whoa.

What do you think? Do you have a simple pleasure that never fails to get you smiling? Are you going to immediately find a vacuum and harmonica to try this like I am? Let us know in the comments below.

Images: Andrew Malone

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