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US Mecha Builder Challenges Japan to Robo-Duel

One year from now, US-based giant robot builder (that’s a thing now) MegaBots wants to kick-off the “the future of sports” with, you guessed it: giant robot duels. But Real Steel this is not. MegaBots builds mecha-style robots that two pilots sit inside and fire 3-pound paint balls from.

The first contender? Japan’s four-ton, 12-foot-tall Kuratas mech (hopefully).

The video above is a direct challenge from MegaBots, who seem to do nothing but build miniature Jaegers. Kuratas, which is made by Suidobashi Heavy Industry and looks a bit more imposing, has not yet accepted any match.

Even if all the robots did was shoot paintballs, I don’t know if I’d agree to a match either:


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