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Unique Japanese Vending Machine Dispenses Origami

Unique Japanese Vending Machine Dispenses Origami

I never have any idea what’s going on in Japan, but I like it! I like all of it. That’s because every time I hear about something new and unusual from the Land of the Rising Sun, I have no clue how or why it came to be, but I’m always really excited that it exists, like this unique origami vending machine.

We came across this seemingly one-of-a-kind contraption at RocketNews24, and it resides in the town of Uchiko, in the Kita District of Ehime Prefecture. According to media reports out of Japan, they are the work of a 61-year-old woman who runs the store where the machine is found, and she decided to do something different with one of their older vending machines.

There are 18 total pieces to pick from, and depending on the complexity of the piece they cost different prices. For as little as 10 Yen, which is only about 10 cents in the U.S., you can choose from one of six beautifully folded pieces of origami, a group that includes a plane, balloon, throwing star, rabbit balloon, and a balloon with wings.

The middle level has five options for 50 Yen, and you can choose from a jumping frog or horse, a pair of lips, a crow, or a spinning top. The top level, which is only 30 Yen each, has the most options with seven, including a sword, three types of helmets, an ornate envelope, a Japanese iris, and what looks to be some kind of carp streamer.

There is even a sign asking you to return the plastic containers that safeguard the delicate paper models into the attached bag, so they can reuse them for the replacement origami, giving the whole thing an even friendlier and even more wholesome feel than it already has.

So why does this exist? It exists to be awesome. It’s a simple, cheap machine that delivers wonderfully crafted and joyous items that serve the sole purpose of bringing you beauty and happiness.

Keep up the good work, Japan.

Which piece would you want to buy the most? Drop down into our comments section below and let us know.

Featured Image: Warner Bros.

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