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Uninstalling McAfee Anti-Virus, Sort Of (NSFW)

I’m not sure how to describe what this video is, other than to say that it stars John McAfee, the controversial (if you haven’t been following what’s been going on with him in the past few years, now would be a good time to Google it) founder of the antivirus software that bears his name, and while it claims to show you how to uninstall that software, it’s… um… well, it involves guns, drugs, sex, profanity, and other things that you might not associate with a technical video, unless maybe you’re Charlie Sheen. It might be the strangest thing you see all day. Maybe longer.

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  1. Hipposhack says:

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    worries. There are different ways to earn gold in the game:
    . Our core goal with these changes is to create more gameplay interaction with New Hotness Olaf so that players can react
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  2. Learn More says:

    Amazing….this is a important online site.

  3. CJ says:

    John McAfee is the real deal … unlike his anti-virus software (which he has no control over) … and this was fucking funny (especially quoting from ) !

    1. McAfee – A barely passable virus scanning program that updates at the worst possible times. Tends to render your computer completely useless whenever it starts an update (which it doesn’t ask to start and you can’t cancel or pause) or starts a virus scan automatically (which it doesn’t ask to start).

    You would probably be better off getting something like Ad-Aware, which has done more for me than McAfee. McAfee updates at horrible times, almost like the creators want you to die.

    User: *starts up important program*
    53 minutes later, still doing something important.
    McAfee:”Hey, that guy is doing important things. We should update now so his computer won’t be able to do anything!”
    *starts update*

    2. “To Mcafee” is to plug drugs for recreational use.

    This is relating to John Mcafee who enjoyed plugging, or inserting drugs (mainly MDPV) into his anus for recreational use usually resulting in a drug induced psychosis.

    “Nigga mcafeed 3 grams, yo!”

    3. McAfee – To consume a large amount of alcohol and cause a public disturbance! May, or may not, include drunkenly swimming in places your not supposed to swim, yelling at passing cars, and getting arrested!

    aka “pulling a McAfee”, “going McAfee all over their asses”, (variations of said phrases)

    The McAfee state of mind includes responding in the following ways to officers of the law, when your levels of intoxication are questionable:

    Officer: “How much have you had to drink?”
    Dude pulling a McAfee: “A lot ’cause I’m drunk!”
    Officer: “Have you been swimming in that canal?”
    Dude pulling a McAfee: “Fuck! I’m not sure!”
    Officer: “Then why are you all wet?”
    Dude pulling a McAfee: “It was fucking raining!”
    Officer: “Where’s your shirt?”
    Dude pulling a McAfee: “In the fucking water!”

    “Dude, we are all going to pull a McAfee in Key West thing weekend!”

    “Oh, Beau is in jail because he went got drunk and went McAfee!”

    “Bro, lets hit up the bar McAfee style!”

  4. Graham says:

    My brain hurts. And I still don’t know how to uninstall the software.

    Kill me now.

  5. -Di. says:

    @jm5150 I hear he is on trial for murder. The trial should last around 30 days.

  6. speelbergo says:

    i thought he was on the lam in belize?

  7. Dragoon says:

    Hilarious. The man is a good sport. Love how he plays a censored parody of himself, much like Charlie Sheen did in Two and a Half Men.

  8. Tracy says:

    That just made me extremely uncomfortable.

  9. Chrissy says:

    Wh… what in the world did I just watcH”?

  10. jm5150 says:

    didnt he kill somebody?