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UK Nerdist Fans: We Want You To Quemment In Person For TV

Hey, you Nerdist people in the U.K.! Are you a big fan of the Nerdist podcast? Do you want to appear on the BBC America Nerdist show with your Quemments for Chris, Jonah, and Matt? Here’s your opportunity, but you’re gonna have to act fast.

This is what you need to do: On Monday — today — you can go to the 2012 LEGO Show at Event City in Manchester. There, between 1 and 4:30 pm, you will find Alison Haislip and writer/producer Kristen Rutherford with a camera crew. Go to them with your Quemment and you might just be captured on video for posterity, or at least for BBC America.

Then, on Tuesday, May 8th, Alison, Kristen, and the crew will be at Forbidden Planet in London — 179 Shaftesbury Avenue, London — and will be taping there as well. Kristen tells me, “Friends of the show should come anytime between 10 am and 11:30 am to give us their Quemments in exchange for their souls. Okay, not your souls, but you WILL be on camera. So, part of your soul, at least.” Be prepared to make a deal.

And if you can’t make it to either one of those, you can still get your Quemments on the air, just not with your bright, shiny faces and voices. You can tweet your Quemments to @kristensays and she says she “will try to make a British person do it for (you) by proxy. With little to no violence. (But probably a little, since I’m hopped up on PG Tips & Maltesers).” That would be a lot of Maltesers. I can’t eat that many. They gum up my teeth.

Anyway, enough about candy and dental dilemmas. Go find Kristen and Alison and the cameras and Quemment away.

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  1. I totally could have done this – but I’ve only just read it now in August.

  2. Cavegod says:

    I was interviewed at the Lego show and if i had known who Alison was ….(after a quick google my eyes opened)

  3. LegoAvon says:

    I was there and was asked for an interview about my LEGO Daleks, but I turned them down because I didn’t know them or the show, and most UK adult LEGO fans get the mickey taken out of them by the media. that’s why I said no, but … after looking online at the type of show it is, I now wish I had given an interview. oh well.

  4. ruaidhri says:

    sonofabitch. I see this with 20 minutes to go and it takes over 30 minutes to drive round to the trafford centre from this side of town.
    not cool.

  5. Liam says:

    Aww I’m totally skint this week and can’t afford a ticket into the Lego Show, so won’t be able to make it. Hope they’re enjoying our beautiful Manchester weather!

    I find it funny how in the US you say Legoes (in the UK it’s always the singular Lego, or “Lego pieces” or bricks or whatever). Okay so it’s not particularly funny, I just like those weird little differences in language.

  6. Daniel brown says:

    Smeg!!!! I am in Manchester but already have plans booooo.

    My (and every nerdiest in the uk) quemment is “when are you gonna jump the pond and come to the uk for live shows?”.

    By “jump the pond” I mean fly over the Atlantic, not do anything inappropriate with Amy Pond!

    Much love and hugs
