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Ubisoft Hacks in with Solid Reviews for WATCH DOGS

Good things come to those who wait, right? Well, considering that we’ve waited more than six months extra for Ubisoft to drop Watch Dogs, it should come as no surprise that expectations for the game are sitting higher than Chicago’s prestigious Willis Tower.

In the wake of the game’s release today, critics from across the internet have weighed in on the open-world stealth-action title, and the consensus: Watch Dogs is an above average game. Here’s a round up of some of the scores that went live this morning:

Game Informer: 8.5/10
Joystiq: 4/5
Polygon: 8/10
Eurogamer: 7/10
CVG: 9/10
PC Gamer: 87/100
IGN: 8.4/10
Destructoid: 8/10
Giant Bomb: 3/5

Not to shabby for the long-awaited new IP. And this reinforces the fact that delayed games often meet or exceed expectations due to the extra time developers have to work on them.

Be sure to keep an eye on today’s Nerdist News for my quick scoop on Watch Dogs. Until then, do yourself a favor and go hack lots of shit in an epic quest to find Aisha Tyler wondering around Cyber-Chicago.

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  1. dontaskme says:

    Disappointed in any aspect, GTA SA got better mechanics and features… n where is shadows in this plastic game? Who release this crap?! ARRRRRGHHHHHH!

    • noshadowsomgomg says:

      OMG YOU DIDN’T SEE ANY SHADOWS?! You’re right it’s a horrible horrible plastic game. 

  2. Izzat says:

    “And this reinforces the fact that delayed games often meet or exceed expectations due to the extra time developers have to work on them.”

    I somewhat agree with the 5 games listed in the linked article, but suddenly I had nightmarish visions about Duke Nukem Forever and Daikatana…yeah, different circumstances, just stuff that popped into my head when it comes to games with long development periods.

    Games being given proper development time instead of being rushed should be the ideal situation.

    • Malik Forté says:

      Yes! DNF was a special case of development being outsourced to different studios also. Alien: Colonial Marines is another example of that (both happen to have Gearbox’s tag on them) 

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