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Tyrion’s GAME OF THRONES Speech Was Good, But This Fan Cut Might Be Even Better

I know, I know, I know: the headline is borderline blasphemous but hear me out. This alternative ending to Tyrion Lannister’s badass speech from last week‘s Game of Thrones is simply delightful. I would even go so far as to call it perfect, but I know everyone hates the hyperbolic nature of Internet writing in general. But, verdamnit: this video is good. Very good — because it combines two of my favorite things: Tyrion Lannister and one of the best songs of the early nineties. (We won’t tell you which one because we refuse to spoil the whole thing for you.)

One of the best things about the Internet is its ability to remind us all to not take things so seriously. Or — more often than not — just tear down all that melodrama we so often encounter in the real world with one quick, proverbial fart noise. And the metaphorical mic drop that results from YouTube user xenograde’s mash-up of cleverly-cut Game of Thrones videos with one very silly song, is downright magical in exactly the sort of way you deserve.

We, personally, think Tyrion Lannister would approve — clearly Oberyn Martell already does (but Oberyn would be the only one in the Red Keep to do so). Given the dire circumstances our royal imp is facing in the upcoming new episode — I fear for everyone’s fantasy fantasy leagues — he could do with a bit of silly levity in his life, dontcha think?


If you were going to pimp walk your way out of a trial, what song would you pick and why? Let us hear ’em in the comments.



Best Picture: THE GREAT ZIEGFELD (1936)

Best Picture: THE GREAT ZIEGFELD (1936)

The Official OCULUS Trailer and a New Poster Are Here

The Official OCULUS Trailer and a New Poster Are Here



  1. PV says:

    The build up was far to big…all I have to say is waaah waah

  2. Louie123 says:

    I don’t find this funny. It’s as though whoever made this missed the entire point of his speech, and instead tried to turn him into another dwarf joke.

  3. Lane says:

    confusion and laughter 

  4. River Rat says:

    And 2 Short don’t play.

  5. River Rat says:

    You Ain’t Ever Met A Mother****** Quite Like Me by Kid Rock

  6. nic says:

    CB, ME TOO

  7. cb says:

    I feel like I just got rickrolled by Tyrian Lannister

  8. Bryan says:

    HAHAHA Awesome! 

  9. deforge says:

    wow, youre slow. 

  10. hahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahaha love it!!!!

  11. shawn says:

    Amazeballs. I just died.

  12. JetCityWoman says:

    Lame.  I’ll stick with Tyrion’s original speech, thanks.

  13. Alex says:

    ya cut it off a wee bit too short there Laddie. Ya should have kept goin

  14. Lex says:


  15. Melissa says:

    hahaha! amazing!! I love Tyrion!