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Welcome back our Nerdist Twitch Roundup and Weekly Scheduled Forecast!  Check out what you missed out on, and what’s to come in the week ahead:

Every other Tuesday, 12pm – 1pm PST: The Single Player – Dating Sims and Advice, with Jessica Chobot

Want your bi-monthly dose of random simulation and dating stimulation?  Chobot will translate her gaming into a dating reality you never thought was possible.


Tuesday, 2pm – 4pm PST: New Games+ – Developer Playthroughs and New Games, with Malik Forté & guests

Last week, Jessica, Malik and Dan braved the first two chapters of The Evil Within, surviving many chainsaws.  With an overstated obsession with “Brain Juice” (or whatever is contained in those glowing vials), our three heroes found that the rampant tossing of discarded Sangria bottles at “Chainsaw Pete” and “Officer Murdersby” was the only solution.  Malik spent the remainder of the afternoon struggling with the big chainsaw boss, but eventually defeated him with some clever traps and shotgun blasts to finish Chapter 3.  Although this game has been met with mediocre scores, we’ll be having lots more fun with this game on our stream in the future. Check in this week to find out what Malik has in store for us next…

Wednesday, 12pm – 2pm PST: MASSIVE – Creating <Nerdist> guilds, clans and more in the world of MMOs, with Michele Morrow

The long awaited World of Warcraft patch 6.0.2: “The Iron Tide” dropped last Tuesday and we couldn’t wait to play with our new <Nerdist> guild on Thorium Brotherhood! Unfortunately… our computer decided to (in the words of Dan Casey) “cosplay as patch day” and, you know… not work.  For hours we begged our computer and prayed to our guild’s almighty Green Burrito… to no avail.  Because the computer was against us, Michele and Malik fired up the Playstation and went head to head in one of the most epic games of Nidhogg that would only be witnessed by our producer, Jesse.  Much orange and yellow blood was spilt as the two M’s fought back and forth, from one end of the screen to the other – throwing swords and fencing for their lives.  A victor emerged… but it wasn’t on Twitch, because our computer hated us, so you’ll have to ask Jesse who won. This coming week, Michele will be recruiting members and delving into all things Iron Tide, from new character models, toy box and mount collection exploration, pre-expansion quests at the Dark Portal, the revamped Upper Black Rock Spire (UBRS), as well as how the heck to play a Priest with all the new changes.  Michele will be playing on her alt, Maldaa, and is currently accepting new members (with no level restrictions) in our new <Nerdist> community guild!


Friday, 2pm – 4pm PST: Friday Funderdome – Team Nerdist and friends take gaming to the EXTREME

The Funderdome was fueled by FizzCo last week as Malik, Dan and Jess teased the highly anticipated Sunset Overdrive.  It seems Malik’s white pants have been temporarily replaced by a new, audience requested, character and outfit:  a bulky Asian dude in pink panties and sandles.  Yes, you read that right. Sunset City also provided grounds for our hosts to explore all the possible innuendos involving the word grind.  After that, more epic Nidhogg… because no one can get enough of that game (it’s that good). This coming week is full of surprises, because the first rule of Funderdome is no one talks about what will happen in the Funderdome until it’s actually happening. – Thanks for following and subscribing to our Twitch channel!  Got an emote you’d like to see?  Let me know @michelemorrow and we’ll see you on the stream!

And if you want to tune in without leaving this page, we’ve got you covered!

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Images: Messhof Games, Microsoft

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