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TWIN PEAKS and Sonic Youth Make for a Truly Dreamy Mash-Up

TWIN PEAKS and Sonic Youth Make for a Truly Dreamy Mash-Up

Sometimes two things come together unexpectedly, but once the blessed union occurs, you wonder why no one ever thought to combine them before! Such is the case with this video mash-up from an artist, musician, and Vimeo user named Steve Collender, which we’ve discovered thanks to the fine folks over at the A.V. Club.

Called Twin Peaks Remixed, Collender takes iconic moments from David Lynch and Mark Frost’s cult classic TV series Twin Peaks and its prequel film Fire Walk With Me, and replaces the jazzy Angelo Badalementi score with a cover of the song “Superstar” by experimental rock pioneers Sonic Youth.


The song is actually a great companion to Twin Peaks. Originally sung by a variety of artists ranging from Bette Midler to Cher, it eventually became a huge hit single for The Carpenters back in 1971. And in the era of Led Zeppelin, the Carpenters were considered the ultimate “square” music. If you were a teenager in the early ’70s, you wouldn’t have been caught dead listening to the Carpenters — that’s what your mom and grandma listened to. (Even if secretly you knew Karen Carpenter had an amazing voice).

Flash forward twenty plus years, and the wholesome all-American Carpenters were now so beloved by alternative rock artists that they released a Carpenters tribute album called “If I Were A Carpenter.” Sonic Youth were one of the groups on the album, and they turned “Superstar” into something eerie and slightly surreal. Sonic Youth’s distorted arrangement matches up perfectly with the works of David Lynch, which thankfully, Steve Collender discovered.

You can now watch his Twin Peaks Remixed video in its entirety down below. And be sure to go to Collender’s Vimeo page to check out his other movie/song mash-ups, including ones for Stranger Things, Boogie Nights, the X-Men films, and a whole lot more.

Twin Peaks Remixed (Sonic Youth – Superstar) from Steve Collender on Vimeo.

What do you think of this latest movie mash-up? Let us know down below in the comments.

Images: CBS

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