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TV’s LEGENDS OF TOMORROW Discuss Their Heroic Future

While Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice got a huge amount of attention this weekend at Comic-Con 2015, another DC screen team-up also made its presence known. Warner Bros. assembled the cast of its upcoming Legends of Tomorrow for interviews with myself and other reporters. Stars Brandon Routh (Atom, pictured above), Victor Garber (Firestorm), and Caity Lotz (White Canary) were just a few of the actors on hand who will be playing heroes and villains in the latest addition to the DC TV Universe.

We asked Routh if his super-suited genius Ray Palmer will be the de facto team leader since he’s received the most screen time thus far out of all the show’s characters. Routh explained that he certainly hopes to be leader, since, as the billionaire former head of Palmer Technologies, he’s had the most experience managing organizations. Garber told us that he cannot yet say how his Professor Martin Stein will function as a superhero without Ronnie Raymond, the other half of his Firestorm persona. But both he and Lotz — whose Sarah Lance was killed last season on Arrow — indicated that such questions concerning their characters’ fates will likely be answered on Arrow and The Flash before the Legends pilot airs in 2016. Lotz warned us, however, that should the Lazarus Pit be used to resurrect Sarah, as it is seen doing in the Legends trailer, the Pit changes those it resurrects. While Garber added that he expects Stein to bring both wisdom and heart to the team as its most senior member.

For more on Legends of Tomorrow, check out the accompanying video, in which I share some more information obtained from my interviews with the show’s cast. And keep checking back with us, since I’ll soon have the full conversations right here on Nerdist.

Are you looking forward to Legends of Tomorrow? Let us know below!

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