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TV-Cap: THE LEFTOVERS Leaves Cast Behind, Hera’s STAR WARS REBELS Toy, Plus THE WIRE Returns

Hello and a happy Monday to you, television obsessive-types. Did you have a good weekend watching all of the things? After a torturous two weeks without Sunday night TV we were blessed with riches too bountiful to mention (HOMELAND HOMELAND HOMELAND). That also means you may have missed the great news about The Wire‘s remastered marathon. Or the fact that there’s a mass exodus of a different sort happening on The Leftovers. To say nothing of the long-overdue Hera toy coming to the Star Wars Rebels line.

But that’s what the TV-Cap is here for, folks: we’re ain’t afraid to be servicey! Oh no. In fact it’s one of our favorite things to do! So let’s do it, shall we? Let’s, shall!

They’re Getting Left Behind: There’s going to be another departure on HBO’s The Leftovers but it’s not going to be one of those bleak, story-driven ones. No no. According to Deadline a lot of the supporting characters are getting cut from season two as the series looks to expand the scope of how the Departure affected the rest of the world beyond Mapleton. Have no fear, though, because Justin Theroux, his onscreen family (Margaret Qualley, Chris Zylka), his estranged wife (played by Amy Brenneman), as well as Carrie Coon and Christopher Eccleston, are all slated to return. There’s also talk of Liv Tyler and Ann Dowd (because Ann Dowd is legally obligated to be in everything, we’re pretty sure) coming back in some capacity, too, but we’ll see about all that. Either way, prepare yourselves for the highly uplifting continuation!

Nostalgia’s a Hell of a Drug: How many of you Nerdist readers grew up watching Boy Meets World? Show of hands if you’ve got ’em! It’s just as I thought: a lot of you! That’s why the Disney spin-off series based on the original, Girl Meets World, brought back Cory Matthew’s best bromantical friend for their Christmas episode. Yes, that’s right: Cory and Shawn are re-u-nited and it feels so goooood. Check out the video here.

The Wire Re-Cometh: One of HBO’s most iconic series, The Wire, has been remastered. A very exciting thing for all you HD lovers out there. Naturally, with that revitalized, high-definition look at the Baltimore streets comes a new airing of the series to show off its shiny, new duds. Starting December 26th, all five seasons will not only be available on HBO Go but will also marathon on HBO Signature (you know, one of those 8 million other HBO channels that come with your HBO package that aren’t just regular ol’ HBO). There’s even a promotional video — no upgraded visuals, unfortunately, just talking — to play up the event. OMAR LITTLE RETURNS, you guys.

It’s a Tid Bit Nipply In Here: Game of Thrones‘ costume designer is about as big of a fan of the nipples on the Sand Snakes’ armor as we are (which is to say, not at all). Don’t shoot the messenger but there IS a saying in Westeros when something is as “useless as nipples on a breastplate,” so I mean I don’t think GRRM was all that fond of ’em either!

We’re Holding Out for a Hera: …Until the end of the line! Or something. But really this is actually a pretty exciting and long overdue thing. Star Wars Rebels hasn’t had any action figures of their fantastic female characters but all that’s about to change, as there’s finally going to be a Hera toy. About time, folks! Girls want to use The Force, too, you know.

Do You Want to Build a Homer?: Awww, look! Another Frozen-tinged thing, this time from The Simpsons.

Farewell to Some Men: The series finale of Two and a Half Men is slated to be one hour long and happen on February 19th, 2015 at 9PM.

So, who would you like to see go on The Leftovers? Leave us your thoughts in the comments.



TRUE DETECTIVE Season 2 Episode 1 Recap

TRUE DETECTIVE Season 2 Episode 1 Recap





  1. Sean says:

    I was a huge fan of The Leftovers, but felt depressed after each airing. It was totally worth it at the end of the season and I can’t wait to see what else they have in store.