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TV-Cap: New OUTLANDER Clip, a HANNIBAL Love Story, & All The Pilots

Oh hey, Monday, you’re here already? Too soon. Let me try to make the pain a little better by dropping a pile of happy television news upon you. If that’s not enough for you, just pretend it comes with a side of puppies. Today the news-puppies include info on Outlander, Sirens, Hannibal, Sleepy Hollow, Patrick Stewart, and a beautiful pile o’ pilots.

Get Inside Jamie’s Head. The midseason premiere of Outlander is so verra far away, we canna stand it. And now I will stop typing with a Scottish accent. Anyway, the time traveling adventurous romance returns April 4th and changes things up with an episode told from Jamie’s (Sam Heughan) perspective instead of Claire’s. Starz released the first minute of the episode, and if you don’t mind, I’ll just play it on repeat so I can listen to Heughan speak forever and ever.

Alarms Are Going Off. Sirens is back for season 2 tomorrow at 10:00pm ET/PT on USA. Because they love us and want us to laugh so hard that we break ribs,* they’re giving us two brand new episodes. Read Merill’s interview with the cast.
*Note: Don’t try to break your ribs in hopes that paramedics as funny as the Sirens crew will show up at your doorstep.


Wake Up, Sleepyheads! Kurtzman/Orci Productions VP Aaron Baiers has been tweeting up special if gruesome presents for fans of Sleepy Hollow: behind-the-scenes pictures. It’s like walking down the creepiest memory lane ever. If you need all the Sleepy Hollow you can stand, don’t forget to tune into the show’s official podcast, Sleepycast! [Marisa Roffman]

Right On Target. NBC is a fan of The Blacklist. It’s understandable because Raymond Reddington. They’re banking on the success of that conspiracy drama and have ordered a pilot for another. Endgame is about an ex-sniper turned Las Vegas security expert. He’s “drawn into a mysterious conspiracy that forces him to complete a series of heroic challenges in order to save innocent lives.” The Blacklist executive producers John David and John Fox are attached to the project. [Entertainment Weekly]

Rocketing to Hulu. Freddie Wong and the gang from the YouTube series Video Game High School are headed to Hulu. Rocketjump produces the web show and they’re teaming up with Lionsgate to make some scripted reality series magic happen. [Nerdist]

I’m Going to Be Blunt With You. Patrick Stewart is starring in a new Starz series produced by Seth MacFarlane and Jonathan Ames. Blunt Talk is set to debut this summer, and this tease offers the briefest, well, tease of the comedy. The cryptic footage doesn’t give much away, but it’s Stewart. You know you’re going to tune in; make it so. [Entertainment Weekly]

Watch Your Skin. Hannibal is returning soon-ish. And by that I mean not until the summer. How close does something have to be to say soon? Anyway, a trailer has arrived for season 3 and we’re drooling over it. [Nerdist]


Love Isn’t Blind. What’s that? You need to devour more Hannibal news? Here’s a tasty (I can’t help it!) tidbit for you: It looks like the Tooth Fairy (Richard Armitage) will find love. Awww. Reportedly, none other than Rutina Wesley is taking on that role and will portray the blind Reba McClane. The True Blood vet isn’t backing down from gore by taking on this role, but I bet things can’t get any weirder than Bon Temps, right? I hope not. [TV Line]

A Side of Biblical Saga. ABC’s added five drama pilots to their list, including an epic Biblical saga. Hey, I guess if the network can make a show as ridiculous sounding as Galavant work, who am I to judge? Of Kings and Prophets is produced by Jason Reed, Reza Aslan and Mahyad Tousi and will focus on “ambition and betrayal as told through the eyes of a battle-weary king, a powerful and resentful prophet and a resourceful young shepherd on a collision course with destiny.” Other pilot pick-ups include Quantico, LA Crime, Mix, and Runner. [Entertainment Weekly]

And because I couldn’t leave you hanging:


Gif via Giphy

Anyone still watching the Outlander clip on repeat? Head to the comments and let me know how you feel about the change in perspective.

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