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TV-Cap: Netflix Reveals LUKE CAGE Teaser

Who’s feeling sleepy today? Who’s feeling sleepy because of bingeing Daredevil? I hope you enjoyed your weekend with the Man Without Fear. To help settle back into your normal routine, catch up on the television news you might have missed while you were in Hell’s Kitchen. Today’s TV-Cap includes some posters for Daredevil, a teaser for Luke Cage, an update on a new companion for Doctor Who, and more.

Cage in Action. If you made it through all 13 episodes of Netflix’s Daredevil, you were rewarded with a look at Luke Cage and the official logo for the series. If you didn’t watch everything, well, the teaser’s made its way to YouTube, so you get rewarded anyway. Yay! Luke Cage is set to premiere on September 30. [Wired]

Shh, It’s a Secret. Speaking of Luke Cage: We don’t know much about the series yet, but thanks to Twitter, we know who will direct the first two episodes. Paul McGuigan spilled the news about taking the director’s chair to Empire. And by spilled, I mean tweeted. [Nerdist]

Still More! How many people are in the cast of Showtime’s Twin Peaks revival? It seems like the town’s population has grown by a million. You can add two more names to the list: Ana de la Reguera and Hugh Dillon. As with everyone else, we don’t know who these folks are playing just yet. [Nerdist]

Rory, Emily… and Finn. Since the Netflix’s Gilmore Girls revival started filming, photos and information from set have slowed down to a trickle. So, I will take this photo posted by Tanc Sade with all the grabby hands. It’s our first pic of Alexis Bledel and Kelly Bishop together for the revival. Awww. (Sorry, Tanc, but I’m sort of ignoring you to focus on Rory and Emily). By the way, crazy thought I just had: what if Emily and Finn are a thing? [TVLine]

So Fancy. Aasif Mandvi (The Daily Show) hasn’t landed only one recurring role in an awesome series, he’s doubled the fun. He’s been cast in USA’s Mr. Robot and Netflix’s A Series Of Unfortunate Events. He’ll play Uncle Monty in Events and special agent Jesse in Mr. Robot. [Deadline]

Up Close and Personal. Daredevil has arrived, but that doesn’t mean the promo content has stopped. Netflix released some character photos over the weekend that perfectly fit the events of season two but aren’t at all spoilery. See a couple more character posters–including a creepy one of Daredevil–here at Nerdist. [Images: Netflix]

An Open Book. Peter Capaldi talked with Omelete, a Brazilian publication, recently and was frank about the current companion state on Doctor Who. He said Jenna Coleman’s replacement has indeed been cast but didn’t reveal the name of the actor stepping in. Capaldi said the character won’t know much about the Doctor. [Nerdist]

Anakin and Ahsoka. Star Wars Rebels is about to throw Ahsoka Tano and Darth Vader together. Sigh. I’m not ready. On the upside, the upcoming battle means we get this wonderful video looking back at the history of Ahsoka and Anakin–aww. The Star Wars Rebels season two finale will air on March 30. [Nerdist]

Into Santa Clarita. Netflix has picked up a new comedy: Santa Clarita Diet. Wait, I buried the lede. It’s a new comedy starring Drew Barrymore and Timothy Olyphant. Intriguing, no? [The Hollywood Reporter]

What’d You Miss? Can’t pass the time today by watching television? You can read recaps instead and maybe catch some details you missed for the latest episodes of The Walking Dead and Guardians of the Galaxy. I’m also recapping Daredevil (I’m about halfway through).

How far along are you in Daredevil? Do you have any dream casting theories about the new companion on Doctor Who? Talk to me about all of it in the comments.






TRUE DETECTIVE Season 2 Episode 1 Recap

TRUE DETECTIVE Season 2 Episode 1 Recap
