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TV-Cap: More on Jenna Coleman’s Rumored DOCTOR WHO Exit, Plus BROAD CITY Holiday Tips

Happy December, Nerdist readers! Gosh, can you believe it? It seems like only yesterday we were ringing 2014 into existence and now here it is, winding its way out to pasture with the rest of the bygone years. Jeez Louise, how the time it does fly. But, let’s not dwell on the future and instead stay in the now (!), where there is a heck of a lot of fun and funny television news ripe and ready for ya. Why we’ve got more news on Jenna Coleman’s maybe-exit from Doctor Who, a promo for Tina Fey and Amy Poehler’s final (SNIFF SNIFF) time hosting the Golden Globes, some sweet holiday tips from the broads of Broad City, and even some cute behind the scenes videos from Sleepy Hollow. So let’s dig in, shall we?

What time is it? TV-Cap time!

How to Survive the Holidays: It’s December, which can only mean one thing: the neverending party brigade is upon us! Here with some ways to save yourself from potential madness are the broads of Broad City. Now I don’t mean to brag (yes I do that’s a lie!) but I’ve been calling my winter-centric parties holiday hootenannies for YEARS, Abbi and Ilana, I mean, like: welcome to 2008, jeez.

There’s a New Agent Carter Teaser: You should watch it. HAVE WE MENTIONED HOW EXCITED WE ARE? Yes? A billion times? Oh, OK, sorry sorry. [Nerdist]

At Home with Abraham and Katrina: Oh those silly Sleepyheads! Is there another cast on television having more fun than the folks that make up Fox’s Sleepy Hollow? Honestly not sure but by the looks of these adorable little videos from Neil Jackson (the not-so-headless horseman) wherein he and Katrina have a grand ol’ time living their very mundane lives up at the manor, they might be the winners. In the battle of carrot cake versus cheesecake, though, the answer is obvious: Team Cheesecake 5-eva!

E Tu, Clara Oswald?: So the whole is-she, isn’t-she business surrounding Doctor Who companion Jenna Coleman (a/k/a Clara Oswald) has really gone on and on, hasn’t it? It seems likely, given that season finale, that this will be the end of The Impossible Girl’s time in the TARDIS, but no one’s saying anything on that front in any official capacity. In fact, the on-the-record position the BBC has taken on the matter is thus: “This is speculation so we won’t be commenting. Viewers will have to watch the Christmas episode to find out!” Oh you tricky jerks C’MON OUT WITH IT ALREADY! Did Coleman change her mind? Tell me tell me tell me. [RadioTimes]

Poehler/Fey 2016: There are no two better human beings alive in the world right now fight me on this I DARE YOU.

Parks and Salutations: Speaking of the Divine Ms. P, her show, Parks and Recreation is ending in 2015, which is VERY SAD! So the cast was asked what their ideal series finales would be, and the answers are — of course! — quite great. Highlights include Ron Swanson wanting “Death by grizzly bear. I’d like to provide a hearty meal for one of nature’s champions in the circle of life” and Poehler saying that the major spoiler is that “we’re all ghosts. What if we were dead all along? What if we’re on the wrong island? And we can’t find the hatch? What if we are the hatch?” NEVER CHANGE, YOU CRAZY DIAMONDS. [TVLine]

A Follow-Up to The Bible: The next chapter in Roma Downey and Mark Burnett’s birth of Christianity re-telling plan has arrived and its called A.D. [Deadline]

And Last But Not Least: It’s the trailer for that Arrow/The Flash crossover event. [Nerdist]

If you were writing the finale of Parks and Recreation, how would you end it all? Leave us your pitches in the comments.

TRUE DETECTIVE Season 2 Episode 1 Recap

TRUE DETECTIVE Season 2 Episode 1 Recap







  1. JUS7IAN says:

    I’m glad Jenna Changed her mind.  She probably got scared that Doctor Who could not be as good as it’s been without Matt but after Peter I’m sure she was surprised how much better the show got and decided not to leave.  Good for her.  You really can’t blame her.  You don’t leave a Series like this.  You make them kill you in the storyline or fire you in person.  I hear Steven is happy about her staying and that’s great.  Good for all.  We’ve learned more about Clara in this new Series than all of Matt’s episode combined.  She finally got interesting and just can’t go and they all knew it.  I was done with her in the beginning too. Now, after the best Doctor Who Storylines to date, I welcome her back after never having left.  Before with Matt, the show was fun an whimsical, you know, for a kid but now the show is just genius.  Putting in competition with some of the best shows on T.V., adult shows.  Dig deeper Moffat and make this the best of the best.