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TV-Cap: More BLACK MIRROR for Netflix, SUPERGIRL Behind-the-Scenes Video, & More

The list of television series based on comic books is expanding this year to the point where I can’t name every show without referring to a list. It’s not a bad place to be. Of all the new titles coming onto the scene though, I’m most looking forward to Supergirl. The tone seems upbeat and positive, and I’m all for more of that.

Today’s TV-Cap has a promo video for Supergirl that emphasizes the hopeful hero and also an update on Black Mirror coming to Netflix, news about the return of a popular character on Once Upon a Time, and more.

Who Is Supergirl? CBS’s Supergirl will premiere on October 26, and from what we’ve seen so far, the tone of the series isn’t quite like any other comic book show on television. Kara’s story is all about hope, and the optimism is emphasized in a new behind-the-scenes video. Cast members, including Melissa Benoist and Calista Flockhart, talk about what sets the show apart and its many different layers. I can’t wait to see if it delivers. [Coming Soon]

Names Aplenty. Game of Thrones has added a couple recognizable and dignified names to the Season 6 cast including Max von Sydow and Ian McShane. And here’s one more English actor for the list: Richard E. Grant (Doctor Who, Downton Abbey). Watchers on the Wall noticed Game of Thrones listed on the actor’s CV, but there weren’t any specifics on his role. He could be any number of characters from the books, but I’m hoping he’ll be portraying Randyll Tarly. [/Film]

Right to Streaming. Charlie Brooker’s inventive and refreshing Black Mirror is getting more episodes — that’s one reason to celebrate. Reason number two is that those episodes are headed straight to Netflix so everyone can enjoy them. The sci-fi show initially aired on Channel 4 in Britain, which meant delays for U.S. viewers — now we won’t have to wait. Yay! [Nerdist]

Harkness Returns! John Barrowman seems right at home in any role he tackles, but his time as Captain Jack Harkness couldn’t be more perfect. The character from Doctor Who and Torchwood is beloved, and he’s coming back in a new series of audio dramas from Big Finish Productions. Each of the plays will highlight one of the primary cast members on Torchwood, and Harkness is up first in “The Conspiracy.” Listen to the trailer for the episode above — you’ll be able to purchase it later this month. [Nerdist]

Howl at the Moon. Storybrooke has been without its resident werewolf since Meghan Ory departed Once Upon a Time to star in CBS’s Intelligence, but that’s changing. Ory will return as Ruby in multiple episodes in the front half of season five. I’d like to see her team up with Snow to save Emma. What do you think she’ll be up to? [TVLine]


Working It. Remember how Arrow’s John Diggle is finally getting a disguise to hide his face from the criminals of Star City? Here’s another look at the ensemble with and without the jacket and the helmet. It was necessary for Diggle to conceal himself, but this helmet? I’m not convinced. How do you feel about it? [Comic Book Resources]

Galactic Myths. Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman wrapped up Season 15 of MythBusters with a leap to the galaxy far, far away. They returned to the world of Star Wars to test new myths like avoiding blaster fire and seeing if high ground gives you a tactical advantage. Jump over to Blair’s recap to find out what we learned from the episode.

Not Really Gone. Warning: Spoilers are just ahead for the season one finale and season two premiere of The Flash. It’s time to zip on out of here if you want to stay in the dark. Season two of The Flash will see the return of Harrison Wells and Tom Cavanagh. Thank goodness, because Cavanagh killed it in the role. Executive producer Gabrielle Stanton told TVLine, “Harrison Wells will be back, but he’s going to be a very different Harrison Wells than we’ve seen before…We’ve got other worlds. We’ve got other timelines. All I’m going to say is he’s from one of those places.” [Nerdist]

What do you think about getting more Black Mirror on Netflix? Head to the comments and tell me how excited you are.

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