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TV-Cap: Milo Ventimiglia Coming to GOTHAM, HOUSE OF CARDS Photos, New OUTLANDER Sneak Peek, & More

Welcome to Thursday, everybody! Only one more day of work until I can relax and tackle the oh so satisfying task of freeing up space on my TiVo. Before I start planning my binge-watching list, let’s dive right into today’s television news because oh boy are we spoiled. Today’s round-up has news about a lady killer in Gotham, a look ahead at Outlander, pictures from House of Cards and Arrow, and even more. Exciting!


Politics Don’t Look Exciting. House of Cards returns with Season 3 on February 27th, and Netflix has dropped a handful of production stills showing Frank and Claire Underwood, Remy Danton, and Jackie Sharp talking. You know the dialogue is likely going to be dramatic and gripping, but for now, you’ll just have to look at the pictures and make up your own lines. [TV Insider]

The Red Room. This week’s episode of Marvel’s Agent Carter was perhaps the most exciting one yet. Peggy reunited with the Howling Commandos and was treated with respect from the SSR (crazy!), and we learned a little of Dottie’s backstory. Read my review of “The Iron Ceiling.”

Hook and Emma! We still have to wait another month before Once Upon a Time returns for the back half of Season 4, but TVLine has a few photos to make the wait more bearable. One of those photos features a very adorable Hook and Emma which is basically all I need to see in the series/in life.

Droughtlander No More. Yet another series on a midseason break is Starz’s Outlander. It doesn’t travel back until the beginning of April, and Starz has dubbed the break “Droughtlander.” They’re doling out peeks at what’s ahead to sustain fans, and this first one is a doozy. It shows the story is headed to a darker place for Jamie and Claire, Colum and Dougal, and even for Scotland. Serious business, you guys.

Not the Ogre You’re Thinking Of. A serial killer is coming to Gotham, and he’s played by none other than Milo Ventimiglia (Heroes). While his character Jason Lennon is known as the Ogre, he’s not the Ogre from DC Comics; that’s not confusing at all. This Ogre has been killing young women in Gotham for almost a decade. He pulls them in and puts them through a series of “tests” to see if they’re qualified to be the perfect match for him. If it doesn’t work out, he kills them. It puts The Bachelor in a different perspective, eh? Lennon will make his first appearance in the 19th episode.


Double Canary Vision. Caity Lotz isn’t done wearing the Black Canary outfit just yet. Count Vertigo returns in  next week’s Arrow and gives Laurel a dose of the worst kind of medicine. The result is that she hallucinates a Canary on Canary battle with her sister Sara. See more photos from the episode at TVLine.

Allons-y, Blockhead. It’s official: LEGO is making a Doctor Who set later this year. That loud sound you hear is Whovians clearing off a bookshelf for the fancy Time Lord bricks. [Nerdist]

Let Them Have Dessert. Damon and Elena have kissed, and now it’s sort of, kind of time to talk about it. A mushy clip from tonight’s The Vampire Diaries shows them pulling a repeat. I can hear the squeal from Delena fans everywhere. [TV Fanatic]

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