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TV-Cap: LEGENDS OF TOMORROW Character Posters, FULLER HOUSE Teaser, and More

Just when you think it’s going to be a sleepy week for television news… Things will inevitably slow down for the holidays, but for now, let’s roll around in the treasure. Today’s TV-Cap has beautifully stylized character posters for Legends of Tomorrow, release date news for Season 4 of House of Cards, a casting tidbit for The Flash, and the first teaser for Fuller House. Enjoy!

Strike a Pose. The CW’s Legends of Tomorrow will premiere on January 21, and since the team of heroes and villains are legends, they deserve epic posters. Them’s the rules. Posters for Rip Hunter, Martin Stein, White Canary, and everyone else debuted around the internet yesterday. You can see ’em all at Comic Book Resources. [Images: The CW]

Make a Commitment. Looking for something to binge over the holidays? Syfy has you covered with a complete Twilight Zone marathon. They’re airing all 156 episodes of the series in HD and in chronological order. The 87 hour marathon (yeah, you’re going to need a lot of snacks) will kick off on December 30 at 7:00pm ET/PT.

Continuing the Chronicles. It looks like hints regarding a TV spinoff about Riddick are moving to the next level. Vin Diesel is working with Universal Television to develop the show. It’s reportedly called Merc City and will focus on the bounty hunters and other unsavory sorts in the same universe as the films take place in. [TVLine]

It’s a New Dawn. Well played, Netflix, well played. They announced the premiere date for Season 4 of House of Cards in the sneakiest and most creative way. The above promo/fake campaign ad aired during the Republican Presidential Debate this week. It’s like any other commercial until Frank Underwood shows up. He’ll be back in action on March 4. [TV Fanatic]

Shake Up. The Flash has an especially dangerous metahuman coming in the back half of the season. Geomancer, also known as Adam Fells, has the ability to create earthquakes and he’ll appear in episodes 13 and 14. He’ll be played by Adam Stafford. []

Some Assembly Required. Don’t you hate when you fall asleep while binging your new favorite show on Netflix and have to go back to find exactly where you started snoozing? Worry no more. With some socks and electronics, you can fix this problem. Netflix has shared a video and a how-to for Netflix Socks. They sense when you’ve fallen asleep and pause whatever you’re watching. You just need to know how to use a soldering iron and knitting needles to craft them. [IGN]

Pre-Star Wars. J.J. Abrams is at the front of many minds right now because of a certain movie in theaters tomorrow, but he has a pretty lengthy resume on the small screen too. Felicity, Alias, Lost—he’s been busy. Check out the rest of Abrams’ television portfolio and maybe find your next series to watch.

An Early Jump. Syfy is pretty pumped about The Expanse. So much so that they’ve made the first four episodes available to stream on for free. The third and fourth episodes won’t air until December 22 and 29 so you’ll have a chance to get ahead. [Deadline]

Home Again. The Fuller House reunion is only a couple months away. Netflix announced the release date with a vague teaser. The clip is all about the Tanner house and all the familiar locations within it–no cast members appear. It’s meant to pull on any warm and fuzzy strings you have about the ’90s series. The Tanner family reunites on February 26. [The Verge]

Fresh Faces. Since Season 3 of Fargo will be set in 2010, it was a possibility that main characters from Season 1 could appear. However, in a Q&A, series co-creator Noah Hawley said that won’t be the case. Vulture reports Hawley’s comments: “None of the main characters from our first year will be back for our third year. The risk we take, obviously, is that we say at the beginning it’s a true story.” He continued, “That’s not to say one of our stories might not intersect with characters we’ve seen before for a certain period of time.” [Slashfilm]

What do you think of the Fuller House teaser? Are you watching and digging The Expanse? Talk to me in the comments.

Featured Image: The CW

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