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TV-Cap: GAME OF THRONES Gets More Nipples, Ryan Murphy’s SCREAM QUEENS, Plus Penguin on BREAKING BAD?

Happy Tuesday, you television obsessives, you! It’s time for you to gather ’round for a story — or rather several — about your favorite television series past, present, and future (Ooh!), because it’s not just any time: it’s the Nerdist TV-Cap time! Where else could you find trailer for HBO’s The Comeback, a tale of Game of Thrones nipple usage, and Ryan Murphy’s latest project, all in one go? Where else but here could we jump from a discussion about the merits of Getting On (which is returning soon!), to one about a Simpsons web app? Which is exactly why you’re here. So let’s carry on carrying on, shall we?

Onward to the news!

Penguin was Almost on Breaking Bad?: Now this is all sort of fascinating. Apparently Gotham‘s Robin Lord Taylor almost played Todd “Landry” Alquist on Breaking Bad. It was down to Taylor and Jesse Plemons! There’s video of Taylor doing his best Todd at the link, definitely check that out. [E!]

Every Simpsons Ever? There’s an App for That: At this point, it would seem, between The Simpsons getting their own app and there now being an app to deliver weed and booze to your door in California, there’s literally an app for everything. And no doubt some fans of The Simpsons will likely partake in both apps at the same time! (Hey, it’s legal here.) The Simpsons World app will house all 500+ episodes of The Simpsons plus a bunch of extra video content and goodies. There is one caveat, though: it will likely be the downfall of civilization. [Entertainment Weekly]

Let’s Talk About Manhattan: If you’re one of those very unfortunate souls that did not watch WGN America’s Manhattan, allow us to make a cause for why you should right HERE ——> [Nerdist]

Ryan Murphy’s Ryan Murphy Mash-Up: Imagine a future wherein every TV series is created by Ryan Murphy. Only it feels less and less like a thing of one’s imagination and more a reality with every passing day, as the American Horror Story/Glee creator has sold a horror-comedy anthology series called Scream Queens. They are literally describing it as a hybrid of his two other series. Sidenote: it’s pretty audaciously egomanaical of Ryan Murphy to think he’s INVENTING “HORROR-COMEDY” as a genre because, uh, sorry buddy but that’s LONG been a thing. If you loved horror as much as you say you do, you’d know that. On the real. [Deadline]

The Comeback Comeback: Oh goodness, shit’s about to get so meta up in here. And WE ARE A-OK WITH IT! In the words of the immortal Ms. Britney Spears: gimmie gimmie more, gimmie more, gimmie gimmie MOAR:

Add Another Arrow to the Quiver: And that arrow’s name? Vinnie Jones, who is joining the cast of Arrow on the CW. [Nerdist]

November 9th is HBO’s Lucky Day: And not just because that’s when The Comeback, uh, comes back. It’s also the premiere of the final season of The Newsroom and the return of the criminally under-appreciated Getting On. Seriously Niecy Nash is doing her best work on this show and you’re probably missing it. Shame on you! SHAAAAAAAME!

Game of Thrones Gets Nipply: It’s funny because what Vulture said is true — the costume designers on Game of Thrones are totally trolling George R.R. Martin. They’re messing with him and his hatred of breastplate nipples. Either that or they’re just straight-up ignoring him/haven’t read the books/think the show really, really needs more female nipplage on it. Because I guess, I don’t know, they need more allusions to the female body? Because up until this point it’s all been just literal reminders that ladies have boobs and vaginas? Is this their version of subtlety? Don’t get me wrong, I love GoT, but I mean really: if it looks like an egregious thing and it sounds like an egregious thing… Don’t believe us? Just check the Sand Snakes’ outfits: [Vulture]

Leslie Jones Joins SNL Cast: There’s no denying that Saturday Night Live writer Leslie Jones is a lightning rod. And we’re pretty excited that Lorne Michaels has decided to up her to cast member status. More Leslie Jones on air is 100% a good thing. Yay! [Nerdist]

So — are you pro- or anti-nipples on the breastplate? Let’s hear your thoughts in the comments.

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  1. gridsleep says:

    So, it was the Simpsons that caused the fall of Rapture?

  2. atila says:

    Type Name like Breaking Bad