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TV-Cap: GAME OF THRONES Changes Jamie, Gillian Anderson Wants X-FILES 3, and MANHATTAN Renewed

Oh, TV lovers — your sanctuary has arrived. Welcome to Wednesday’s TV-Cap, a veritable smorgasbord of tasty television delights. Today we’re going to talk about Game of Thrones‘ major season five shift in regards to Jaime Lannister, why Gillian Anderson wants more X-Files, Nick Cannon joining Brooklyn Nine-Nine, and much, much more. Oh, and we’ve also got the full Stephen Amell New York Comic Con spotlight for you, because it’s Wednesday. It’s a service, you see. A kindness just for you, right there, reading this and becoming informed, right now.

So let’s talk about that news we just teased up there with a lil somethin’ somethin’ down here ARE YOU READY?! Also here’s a GIF because you’ve earned it:

Game of Thrones Makes a Major Shift: Apparently the Jaime Lannister you book readers have come to know and love will not be the same as the series continues to progress. I mean, we’ve already seen evidence with that in season four, what with that rape-y situation and Jaime’s (mini-SPOILER ALERT, TV-Only fans!) lack of admission regarding Tyrion’s first wife. Now we’re hearing that (actual, serious spoiler alert🙂 Jaime will head to Dorne, with the speculated fight with the Sand Snakes seemingly confirmed with a video. It’s all at the source. [Watchers on the Wall]

Nick Cannon Joins the Nine-Nine: Well this should prove very interesting for the equally-as-excitable Jake Peralta (also is every cop named Peralta? I’ve encountered 3 — not including the Andy Samberg character — in 2 different states in the last 2 months. THAT IS A LOT OF PERALTI). He’s set to play Captain Holt’s nephew Marcus. But this isn’t just a guest starring role: apparently he’s recurring! Hoo boy, Brooklyn Nine-Nine. Hoo boy! [The Wrap]

Manhattan Gets Renewed: You know that very good show that we keep extolling its virtues — WGN America’s Manhattan — that you haven’t for whatever reason, gotten around to? Yeah well that MFer just got itself renewed for a second season so BOOYAH, WE TOLD YOU! Now will you watch it? Please? Seriously — John Benjamin Hickey and Olivia Williams, y’all. We shouldn’t have to say anymore. Just watch the damn thing. It’s season finale is on Sunday night and it’s also on Hulu so dag nabit pull a Nike and just do it already.

Feelin’ Dandy: Want to know more about the most Darren Criss-y character on this season of American Horror Story? Look no further than this very interesting interview with Freak Show‘s Dandy Mott, a/k/a Finn Wittrock. Is this going to go full-Psycho? It feels like it’s going to go full-Psycho. Oh, Dandy! [TVLine]

Gillian Anderson Wants to Believe in More X-Files: Yesterday during an interview on Bloomberg TV’s Taking Stock, Anderson was asked about The X-Files — in particular the chance for another film — and all but confirmed its money issues keeping it from being made. “There is discussion. Things are percolating,” she said. “David, I, and Chris all are interested in coming together again in some format.” When asked if she would get behind a crowd-funded effort, she replid: “Sure. Yes. I mean that ultimately is what’s keeping it from happening — I mean other than Fox giving the go-ahead, which is not a small issue. But yeah — crowdfunding is a good idea.” [Blastr]

Stephen Amell Spotlight: From NYCC! Watch the thing!

Hunter Parrish to Murder People on The Following: I guess this means no more Edgar Allen Poe? Apparently the actor’s slated to play part of a “murder fetish couple,” which is apparently a thing! Because this is the world we live in. Also because Kevin Bacon. [TVLine]

Have Yourself a Murray Little Christmas: Don’t forget: Bill Murray and Ms. Coppola are doing a Christmas musical TV special. [Nerdist]

And Finally, a Hep Alien Reunion: Ready, set, FREAK OUT, Gilmore Girls fans. There was a Hep Alien reunion and we were not invited because life is unfair and cruel. At least we have Netflix. [BuzzFeed]

So — what do you all think of this Jaime Lannister development? Leave your thoughts in the comments.

GIF Credit: Gifrific

Image: HBO

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  1. Emily says:

    Jaime doesn’t do very much in book 4. The Riverlands stuff’s not as critical to the plot as what happens in Dorne, and the knight in Dorne is not a character we’re invested in – Jaime is. This is probably not a big change to the character like the whole Jaime/Circe relationship has been changed. I think putting Jaime in Dorne could be cool.

  2. wadebran says:

    SPOILER ———————I’m guessing he’ll perform the function of Balon Swann, traveling to Dorne to present proof of Gregor Clegane’s death.  How they’ll work in the Arys Oakheart angle and the maiming of Myrcella, I’m not sure.

  3. Jesus Medina says:

    As a man who has never read the books I can tell you that this shift in character means nothing to me. Just as long as I get more GOT I’m good.

  4. elSpanielo says:

    I bet they give Jamie’s Riverlands plot to Brienne. That way LSH has more reason to hate her when they finally introduce her. And obviously J will come back to Kings Landing for Cersei’s trial and Brienne can come fetch him to so we can end in the same place as ADWD.

  5. Hady Gómez says:

    Noooooooooo 🙁 give me Jaime’s books not this 🙁 I love the snakes and all but I don’t want them together

  6. Rachel says:

    I don’t hate how they’re changing Jamie Lannister, but as a fan of the books, I have to wonder how this will further effect the plot … there are some reasons why Jamie would need to stick around instead of going to Dorne. Obviously I’d prefer the Jamie from the books – but a cool fight with the Sand Snakes? Might be worth it.