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TV-Cap: Donnie’s Back on ORPHAN BLACK, New DOCTOR WHO Clip, and AGENTS OF SHIELD Tease FitzSimmons Reunion

♪♫ It’s Friday, Friday, gotta get down on Friday! ♪♫ And what better way to do that than partyin’ partyin’ (yeah!) with the ye olde Nerdist TV-Cap! Today’s news is full of general small screen funnness, brought to you by Donnie from Orphan Black, a FitzSimmons reunion on Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, and a pretty dense (Because forests! Get it?) clip teasing Saturday’s brand new episode of Doctor Who.

Basically, you’re going to want to read this. Particularly if you’re ♪♫ lookin’ forward to the weekend! ♪♫

Everyone’s Favorite Turnip is Back: Turnip for what, Michelle Obama asked? The answer is obviously Donnie Hendrix, husband to Alison on everyone’s favorite clonespiracy, Orphan Black. (This is a joke that only more avid fans of the series are likely to get, sorry.) The series’ co-creator and director, John Fawcett, has continued his daily tweetings of images from the set and included Kristian Bruun (the man behind the tightie-whities) in today’s photo. Take all that glorious Donnie in, ladies. [Twitter]


It’s Alive! As a TV Pilot: Yes, we’re talking about the story of Frankenstein. Only instead of a monster it’s a corrupt FBI agent so cool I guess? I don’t know I’m just so tired of reboots I cannot be an unbiased party here. [Collider]

Courtney Love Joins the Empire: She’ll be a recurring guest star. Isn’t that swell? [Deadline]

The Trees are Against Us: But wouldn’t you be, if you were trees? I mean really when you think about it to the rest of the living beings on this here planet Earth, us humans probably look like the biggest pest infestation ever. Like a virus or a plague or something, we go around chopping things down and playing fast and loose with our natural resources like this place is just going to fix itself. So it’s no wonder the trees are pissed and retaliating in the latest episode of Doctor Who. Apparently it’s going to focus on the ecological crisis that’s happening on earth right now. If Steven Moffat and Peter Capaldi haven’t made it clear that the Doctor is tackling our real world “big issues” through their stories yet this season, perhaps this video will do the trick for you:

James Corden Gets a Start Date: March 9th. So you’ve still got time before you have to start packing all your Late Late Show stuff, Craig Ferguson! [Deadline]

ABC’s Got a Phantom:of the Opera, that is! Har har har look at this silly music of the night that Marc Cherry’s peddling over at ABC. Oh goodness gracious. [TVLine]

Key & Peele Creep: And I mean REALLY, REALLY creep, in their latest sketch about a downright demonic “Make-A-Wish” kid. [Nerdist]

Keanu Saw a Ghost: He thought it was “cool.” Keanu Reeves saw a headless ghost when he was a kid and all his little kid brain could surmise was “oh, well that’s interesting.” The story is pretty ~spooky~ you guys. [UPROXX]

The DC Multiverse, Crossed-Over: Jarett Wieselman interviewed DC’s Chief Creative Officer Geoff Johns who said don’t count a potential crossover into the film world — thanks to the CW’s The Flash and Arrow. “Limitless potential,” y’all. [BuzzFeed]

Archie Heads to TV: Our initial reaction to the news that there might be an Archie Comics-based TV show was “uh, really?” but Dan Casey promises us that Archie’s doing some real spooky things these days so we’ll just leave you with his thoughts on the matter instead: [Nerdist]

All of the SHIELD Feels: That realization that Fitz was hallucinating Simmons was perhaps the most heartbreaking thing to happen so far on the network TV circuit this season, but now they’re going to reunite! Only… things don’t look so back to normal oh god oh god the FEELS. SAVE FITZSIMMONS! [ComingSoon.Net]

Mysteries of The Hill: And finally, our chat with Manhattan creator Sam Shaw about telling TV stories through science, the women of The Hill, and the mysteries of The Manhattan Project in general was one of our favorite interviews we’ve done maybe ever and that includes the time we made Queen of Everything, Amy Poehler, laugh. Read the thing? [Nerdist]

So — how do you think this FitzSimmons reunion is going to work out, really? Leave your hypothesis in the comments!

Image: BBC

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