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Holy video overload, Batman! The Friday TV-Cap is a visual feast! A veritable frenzy of small screen news encapsulated by a bunch of darling videos (and photos). Aren’t you excited? Because you should be. We’ve got everything one could need here: A Portlandia trailer — and the Better Call Saul one, too. Some news on Parks and Recreation‘s final season and a new addition to the Clone Club over at Orphan Black.

So let’s get started, shall we?

In Bed with Saul: Finally! At long last! Hallelu! A release date for the very much anticipated Breaking Bad spin-off series, Better Call Saul, has arrived. The messpile that is New Mexico’s most brilliant but bumbling drug lawyer will kick off his first season (he already has another confirmed!) on February 8th at 10PM. Get excited for all Bob Odenkirk, all the time (at least on Mondays). Oh also here’s a trailer that features a vibrating bed because of course it does:

Parks and Rec and Jon and Rob and Rashida and Molly and: Literally everyone you love will be on Parks and Recreation this season. LITERALLY EVERYONE. [Nerdist]

A Shameless Edition to Orphan Black: Rejoice, Clone Club — we’ve got a new addition to the madness. Shameless actor Justin Chatwin will apparently be joining the sestrahood like no other, as evidenced by this photo Orphan Black co-creator Graeme Manson tweeted from the set on Wednesday evening. He looks sort of like a punk rock scuzzball, no? Must be a friend of Sarah’s. I mean right?

Glee Moves to Mondays: I mean, it’s pretty straightforward. Right? [TVLine]

Portlandia Goes Big: The magic that is IFC’s Portlandia cannot be understated. Nor can it really be overstated, either. It’s just so super great and hilarious and perfect that we sometimes find it hard to find the words to express our aggressive, obsessive love of it. Thankfully there’s a new trailer for season five — premiering January 8th (which is really pretty soon when you think about it, relatively speaking) — so we’ll just let that do it for us. BRING ON THE ALMIGHTY MACLAUGHLIN, Y’ALL.

Exclusive Mark Hamill Thing!: The actor’s joined Jake & The Neverland Pirates. [Nerdist]

New Drama Comes to Downton: There’s a bevy of new characters set to throw things into a veritable ruckus at everyone’s favorite Yorkshire countryside estate/manor/rich people place: yup, Downton Abbey‘s coming to PBS’ Masterpiece Theater in January (on Sunday the 4th to be exact) and by the looks of the trailer it’s destined to be quite the doozy! Fire! Fights! Deception! Danger! Mysterious men trying to steal your ladies! A scandalous past for the Dowager Countess (OBVIOUSLY)? Somebody fetch me a chaise lounge I think I’m about to faint!

The Arrow/Flash Crossover: is ALMOST HERE ahhhhhhhh ooooooh yaaaay look at the photos! [Nerdist]

So — which Portlandia character is your favorite? Leave ’em in the comments.

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