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TV-Cap: AHS: FREAK SHOW Loves the Number 3, Amazon’s New Pilots Are Here, and More

Oh, hi, hello, fair Internet friends and fellow television obsessives! It’s another day in the world which means it’s time for: the Nerdist TV-Cap! In today’s recap of all the small screen news that’s fit to print, we’ve got an avalanche of videos and new content to explore (hey, fall TV season — the most wonderful time of the year — is nearly upon us, after all), and even a few more Ice Bucket videos because #trends.

Want to see what’s doing out there in the world? STOP YER CLICKING AND STAY PUT! We’ve got you covered right here.

We’re All Stars Now, At The Freak Show: True to Ryan Murphy form, the latest materials released in preparation for American Horror Story: Freak Show are delightfully unsettling and a visual delight. Angela Bassett is even giving us some Total Recall realness in this thing, ain’t she? (It’s because she has three boobs, you guys. Like the alien in the movie c’mon KEEP UP.)


Oh yes, there’s also a three-legged teaser to boot. Everything in threes, now!


The Walking Dead? More Like The Walking Sweat: We’re so great at jokes (also: modesty), aren’t we? has some brand spankin’ new photos from the upcoming season of everyone’s favorite pack of zombie-killin’ survivalist human series, AMC’s The Walking Dead, up on their website because AHHHHHHH UUURRGHHH BRAAAAAAINSSSSS (sorry, we’re the worst). Also jeez, Daryl/everyone: ever heard of a shower? [Entertainment Weekly]

Blink And You’ll Miss It, Flash Fans!: Only not really, but hey it felt appropriate because it’s a trailer for The Flash! We’ve got it up right on this here site so go watch it right now now NOW!

Go, Go Selfie Rangers!: Look, ma! The Power Rangers are BACK! (Only kinda/sorta/not really) Thanks to Amy Pond and her Selfie co-star John Cho:

Netflix Just Spent A LOT of Money on The Blacklist: Damn, guys: we didn’t know you were doing THAT well. Apparently Netflix was so hungry for a taste of the James Spader Hat Collection it ponied up $2 million per episode to air The Blacklist on their platform. [Deadline]

The One With The Mini-Friends Reunion: Jimmy Kimmel wrote fanfic about the ladies of Friends and then this happened on his show last night:

Now EVERYBODY Can Party Down: Call us obsessives if you must, unable to let go of what once was, but we couldn’t be more excited that the two seasons of Starz’s super-duper-underappreciated comedy, Party Down, will be available to stream on Hulu.

Marco? Polo! Marco? PO-LO!: When it comes to Netflix’s next original series about the intrepid explorer turned popular pool game, Marco Polo, we are very intrigued. And, finally, on December 12th, we’ll know what the whole grandly scaled endeavor will look like. There’s an interesting interview at the link below for anyone else into grand television epic-ry. Also is anyone else getting some Jabba the Hutt vibes from ol’ Emperor Kublai Khan over here? [Toronto Sun]


Water Is Coming To Westeros (Because Ice Buckets!): Not to ever even consider disparaging something that has done so much good for the ALSA, but golly gosh: are we ever going to see the end of these Ice Bucket videos? Elsewhere on the Internet, HuffPo rounded up every single Game of Thrones-er that’s done one so far. Our favorite is, obviously, the one with Jon Snow because ha ha ha, look at how silly he looks when his luscious locks go all a-flop: [Huffington Post]

Amazon’s New Pilots, And The Future Of Television Are Here: OK so we know that Jeff Bezos is hellbent on controlling the universe and we’re not sure we’re totally pro that idea, but goddamn if some of their new pilots don’t look spectacular. From Jay Chandrasekhar’s comedy Really to their dramas like Hand Of God, we’re looking forward to rating, reviewing, and ultimately choosing which series get made. Aren’t you? Admit it, the power makes you drunk with possibility. This is American democracy at work, folks! [Deadline]

So, which of the Amazon pilots do you like the best? Let’s discuss ’em in the comments.

Top Image: FX

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  1. Mark says:

    Didn’t Amazon go through this last year. I don’t remember any of those pilots getting picked up (like Bosch etc.) What happened to them?