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TRANSFORMERS 5 Plot Rumors Confirmed!

Could Michael Bay‘s Transformers movies get any crazier than they already are? Apparently, they can! New photos taken near the shooting locations for Transformers: The Last Knight have confirmed some of the previously outlandish rumors about the film…which means that we may have to take the whole “Last Knight” thing seriously. And we’ve got the details on today’s Nerdist News

There are some pretty big time spoilers ahead for the next Transformers film. We’re talkin’ Metroplex-sized spoilers, so you’d better beware! Because Nerdist News host and Triple Changer Jessica Chobot is examining the set photos from Movieweb and other sources which appear to depict medieval Arthurian knights on the set of The Last Knight.  So you can forget about those Rom: Space Knight and Hasbro Cinematic Universe rumors. JoBlo was right all along: the plot of Transformers 5 is going to connect everyone’s favorite giant robots with the legend of King Arthur himself.

How would that even work? Well, apparently Optimus Prime is on a quest to restore Cybertron to its former glory. To do that, he needs to find an ancient Cybertronian artifact that gave Merlin his magic powers centuries ago. Does this mean a Transformer is responsible for paving the way to Camelot? Will we see Optimus making his way to the past, or will a previously unknown Autobot or Decepticon share the stage with Arthur and his knights? And does this mean that we’ll finally see a Transformer turn into a giant sword? Never put it past Bay!

What do you think about the apparent direction of Transformers: The Last Knight? Unleash the AllSpark in the comment section below!

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