Taking on the mantle of a superhero in the MCU or DCEU is a pretty big responsibility. Not only are you embodying the name of a well-known, well-loved superhero, but you’re also becoming an actual hero for kids all over the world. It seems the actors who play these superhuman characters feel that responsibility, and do whatever they can to live up to their superhero name, frequently visiting kids fighting their own battles in children’s hospitals across the country. Tom Holland may be about a month out from his own standalone film’s release in the MCU, Spider-Man: Homecoming, but he’s not wasting any time to show some love for some of his bravest fans.
As Entertainment Weekly reports, Holland visited Children’s Hospital Los Angeles recently. The hospital released a video of Holland’s visit, and it is nothing short of heartwarming. Take a peek to watch our newest, friendly, neighborhood Spider-Man in action.
It looks like Holland had no trouble assuming the role of Peter Parker and bringing smiles to the faces of the kids. And he didn’t just take quick pics with the kids in Children’s LA, but he also signed movie posters, performed acrobatic tricks, and even talked shop with the kids about Spidey skills and his Spidey tech. Holland even momentarily blew the mind of one kiddo by proving he’s sticky enough to scale buildings by making a marker “stick” to the bottom of his hand (confession: I had to watch the clip twice to see how he did it).
While this isn’t Holland’s first trip to visit a children’s hospital—who can forget the adorable kid at New York-Presbyterian Morgan Stanley Children’s Hospital who said he preferred Batman—it’s wonderful to see the joy Spider-Man can bring to kids. When Spider-Man: Homecoming officially swings into theaters on July 7, it looks like he’ll already have quite a few adoring fans cheering him on.
What is your favorite story from a superhero hospital visit? Tell us in the comments!
Feature Image: Marvel