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Tom Holland Beats Up Thor with a Spider-Man Action Figure

Playing with action figures is a time honored tradition for young nerds–at least, it certainly was for those of us who grew up in the heyday of Marvel ToyBiz figures and could act out all the stories we saw on X-Men: The Animated Series every week (guilty as charged). But today’s kids are truly spoiled. Not only have the Avengers officially taken over the toy aisle, but even the superheroes themselves love playing with them. Even better, as Chris Hemsworth and now Tom Holland have proved, they like to do it in front of cameras so we can all join in on the excitement.

While on the set of Avengers: Infinity War, Chris Hemsworth had some fun messing around with figures of his co-stars, whacking Spider-Man over because he’s “just a kid.” Now, international treasure Tom Holland has attempted to one-up him during a hangout with Entertainment Weekly to promote the premiere of Spider-Man: Homecoming. Who’s the kid now, Thor?

As adorable as it is to watch Holland delighting in a bit of make-believe, I’ve got to ask: what’s the problem with Black Widow, my dude? How come you’re tight with Ant-Man and not with her? Is it spider-jealousy? Fear that she might try to marry you and then eat you? Or did you and Paul Rudd bond over your shared use of the hyphen in your superhero names? All I’m saying is, she’s probably a much better mentor for you than Scott Lang is and you should reconsider your A-team just a little bit.

So, now that the gauntlet’s been thrown (so what if the gauntlet attached to a tiny plastic figure, it still counts), who do you think would actually win in a fight: Spider-Man or Thor? Let us know in the comments!

Image: EW

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