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TOKYOPOP: Cosplay Friday #18


On a very special episode of TOKYOPOP’s Cosplay Friday, we catch up with cosplayer and costumer extraordinaire Johnny Bias (click his name to read the interview). A talented craftsmen, Bias puts his heart and soul into every outfit he creates, even if he’s not the one who will ultimately wear it. But to prove that we don’t suffer from Bias bias, we’ve also included some of the best non-Johnny cosplay from around the web this week. Enough exposition! Let’s get to the cosplay!


Riddle me this, Mr. Bias – where did you come up with the idea of Steampunk Riddler, why does it look so good and what walks on four legs in the morning, two in the afternoon and three in the evening?


Let’s get down to brass tacks: DC needs to make this steampunk group into an animated series ASAP.


Holy shit! This Zatanna is amazing! Johnny’s deft designwork shines here. Or as Zatanna would say, “Gnizama si annataZ sihT!”


We’re all for couple’s costumes, but when your boyfriend is hellbent on your destruction, it’s got to put some strain on the relationship. Though, the idea that Johnny is a bender would make all his costuming ability make way more sense in my head.


Oh, Deadshot, we love you even though you kind of look like a Jiffy Lube employee having a really bad day. This was actually Johnny’s first official cosplay, so that’s pretty neat.


This incredible Blood Elf paladin from cosplay photographer Anna Fischer is almost enough to make me start playing World of Warcraft again. Almost.


Hawke (Dragon Age) has never looked better, thanks in particular to Anna Fischer’s expert lens.


This gender bending Final Fantasy VII cosplay is the greatest thing we’ve seen since Cloud spent the night in Don Corneo’s mansion.


This is both the Batman of Shanghai cosplay we need and the cosplay we deserve. Major points for adapting some seriously awesome shorts.


Dat beard. Seriously, this Maes Hughes (Full Metal Alchemist) cosplay from Kozekito is pitch-perfect from the hand-drawn facial hair to the constant stream of pictures of his adorable daughter.

What do you think? Quemment below and let us know! Got some hot cosplay tips or someone you think should be featured? Quemment or drop me a line on Twitter! Want even more content like this? Get the TOKYOPOP newsletter delivered to your inbox!

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  1. Amanda says:

    That’s so fantastic! I love them all! Keep up the good work, Johnny! 😀

  2. I loved the steampunk DC group as soon as I saw it, even more so when I realized I was viewing it on my friend Johnny Bias’ facebook. I’m immensely proud of his work!