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Episode 4: Today We Learned
Greg Behrendt

Today We Learned #4: Greg Behrendt

What predator bites more people each year than sharks? What will the United Nations do in the event of an alien attack? What unlikely career did James Lipton have during the 1950s? All of these questions and more will be answered as comedian Greg Behrendt joins the boys in the studio for another exciting episode of Today We Learned!

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This Week in Science: Tatooine Sunsets and Hulk’s Hue

This Week in Science: Tatooine Sunsets and Hulk’s Hue

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Alex Kurtzman on THE MUMMY and a New Universal Monsters Continuity

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  1. Dan Casey says:

    Jackson, we’ll eat our fair share of humble pie and admit that we were wrong.

  2. Jackson says:

    Ummmm…..You guys do know Mr. Ed was a horse, right. The Zebra thing is an internet rumor started by Snopes.