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Episode 10: Today We Learned
Louis Peitzman

Today We Learned #10: Louis Peitzman

Topping the list of 27 Louis Peitzmans That You Totally Have To Have On Your Podcast is Buzzfeed’s Senior Editor Louis Peitzman, who joins the boys in the studio to talk about what weird jobs celebrities held before they hit it big, what Nintendo did before selling video games, why sunsets are probably super boring if you’re on the International Space Station, and more!

Like the show on Facebook and follow the show, Razzle (@MyNameisRazzle2) and Dan (@Osteoferocious) on Twitter!

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  1. Dan Casey says:

    @Dustin, don’t be a dick. It’s unbecoming.

  2. Dustin says:

    He seriously needs to lose some weight.