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The Truth About Toad’s Head in MARIO KART

There are few debates that have raged as long and torn as many homes apart as the debate over the actual properties Toad’s head in the Super Mario video games. While many have assumed for years that Toad was some sort of mushroom-hybrid creature with a bulbous red and white head, others assumed he was a tiny creature with a taste for ostentatious, gaudy headwear. With no official confirmation ever coming our way from Nintendo HQ, we were forced to fight among ourselves, forming factions within the gaming community on the true nature of Toad’s body.

But stress not friends, the fight is finally over. Via Polygon, Super Mario Odyssey producer Yoshiaki Koizumi finally laid down the final truth about Toad’s anatomy during a recent Nintendo-hosted Q&A session. His official ruling? It is, in fact, a part of Toad’s head. The mushroom cap is not a literal cap.

Of course, this only leads us down a path of several more questions about Toad’s genetic makeup and anatomy, but Koizumi bowed out of that piece of the conversation. In fact, he made Toad’s anatomical construction somewhat of a mystery, saying, “I’m going to have to leave it to all of you to figure out exactly how that works out. Maybe there’s something inside…”

Maybe there’s something inside?! Does this mean there’s a possibility that Toad isn’t just some sort of animated mushroom and that the mushroom portion of his body is a part of his actual skeletal structure? Is his brain up there? If it is, what the hell is in his actual head? What kind of a creature is Toad, actually?! It seems we’ve left with many more, troubling questions now that we know the truth of Toad’s head.

Did you think Toad was wearing a hat, or did you think he was some sort of a mushroom-man hybrid? Where do you think Toad’s brain is now that we know his…unique head shape? Tell us what you think in the comments!

Featured Image: Nintendo, Giphy

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