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What Did We Learn on the THOR: RAGNAROK Set?

The press embargo has been lifted on last year’s Thor: Ragnarok set visit, and that means lots of juicy new information about the movie. But what does it all mean? That’s what we tackled on today’s Nerdist News Talks Back, as well as the potential fallout from Disney‘s big streaming service announcement, and whether new filming in Themyscira has something to do with Justice League.

Today host Jessica Chobot “ragna-rocked out with Nerdist News writer Joan Ford, associate editor Kyle Anderson, and producer Jason Nguyen. First up was everything our Kristy Puchko learned when she headed to the Ragnarok set in Australia last year, like what we can expect from newcomers Hela and Valkyrie, and what Thor, Loki, and Hulk were doing the last few years. (Uh, wasn’t Thor living with Darryl the whole time? Isn’t that canon?)

We’re also very excited that Tom Hiddleston might have confirmed our theory that Cate Blanchett’s Hela could be in possession of the last Infinity Stone, which is way bigger news than finding out what happened between Thor and Jane Foster.

Thor wasn’t the only big Marvel news of the day though, since Disney announced all Marvel and Star Wars films will be leaving Netflix in 2019 for Disney’s own streaming service. How successful will a Disney only service be, and what will it even include considering how many Disney services there already are? Plus, does this mean the end of Marvel series on Netflix? Could Netflix be really hurt by this latest competition? Or is the streaming market too flooded now, defeating the entire purpose of them in the first place?

Finally, what to make of reports that filming will soon take place on Themyscira? (Yes, we know it’s not a real place…probably.) Despite denials, are these Justice League reshoots? Or are the Amazonians going to appear in Aquaman? That seems unlikely, so if they are for Justice League, set for a November release, is this good news or bad news?

Whatever it means, don’t ask Jared Leto about them. He’s already struggling with DC’s “see-what-sticks” approach to the Joker. So are we Jared, so are we.

Of course, if you have ideas on what the big news of the day means, tune in live weekdays at 1:00p.m. PST on Nerdist’s YouTube and Alpha channels and get in on the conversation when it happens. We promise there’s never an embargo on sharing your thoughts with us.

But you can still talk back to us now, by telling us in the comments below what you think of today’s topics.

Need More Thor: Ragnarok?

Images: Marvel



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