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THOR: RAGNAROK, But Jeff Goldblum Is Every Character

If the trailers for Thor: Ragnarok are any indication of how good the movie will be, it is going to be perfect. And by definition you can’t improve on perfection.

Well, uh…uh…that’s…..not exactly true. Because there is one–and, uh, uh, uh, only one–thing in the nine realms that can improve even on perfection its…uh…self.

More Jeff Goldblum.


Better yet, all the Jeff Goldblum. As in every single character in the movie being played by Jeff Goldblum.

That version of Thor: Ragnarok is exactly what writer/actor Brian Firenzi had in mind when he remade the beautiful new poster for the movie that came out of San Diego Comic-Con, but with Jeff Goldblum filling in for every part. Sure, he’s already playing the Grandmaster in the movie, but that’s not even a major role.

Quick thoughts on each Goldblum in this poster:

  • Hulkblum is a smashing success
  • Goddess of Deathblum looks a lot like John Oliver
  • Goldblum as Thor sounds like some excellent fan-fic
  • But not as good as Lokiblum does
  • And definitely not as good as the All, Uh, Father Odinblum!
  • Blumkyrie? Weird, which is why we love it
  • Blumdall seeing every soul in the nine realms would help us sleep easier

We’re not saying we want Marvel to change anything about Thor: Ragnarok, we’re just saying that if they want to get our money twice they can make a second, exact remake, but with Jeff Goldblum in every role.

You can’t, uh….uh, get more perfect than, uh, that.

Besides the Grandmaster, which character would you sincerely have loved to see Goldblum play? Tell us in the comments below.

Images: Marvel

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