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Does This Photo of Thor’s Hammer from INFINITY WAR Spoil RAGNAROK?

In just over five months, it’s gonna be time to Ragnarok and Roll with the third Thor solo film. Last month, fans got their first peek at Thor: Ragnarok, which featured a battle with the Hulk and the destruction of Thor’s hammer, Mjolnir. Yeah, Hela is apparently that powerful. But have we truly seen the last Mjolnir in the MCU? A new picture from the set of Avengers: Infinity War prominently features Thor’s hammer, and today’s Nerdist News is consulting the mystic stones for answers!

There are potential spoilers ahead for Thor: Ragnarok! Do you want us to throw the hammer down? Consider yourselves warned!

Join host and queen of the Norns, Jessica Chobot, as she examines the following pic that was posted by the Infinity War directing duo: the Russo brothers.


A post shared by The Russo Brothers (@therussobrothers) on

Is this a spoiler above all others? I say thee nay! If you know your comic book history, then it should come as no surprise that Mjolnir has been destroyed and recreated many times before. It’s not really a question of whether Thor’s hammer will return, it’s how and when. Because of recent LEGO leaks, we know that Thor is apparently without his hammer for the final showdown with Hela. Instead, the Son of Odin will take an ax called Jarnbjorn into battle. That’s a mighty weapon on its own, and Thor has a long history with Jarnbjorn that predates Mjolnir.

That doesn’t necessarily explain how Mjolnir can appear in Infinity War. It’s simple, really: it could easily be from a flashback or a dream sequence, similar to Thor’s visions in Avengers: Age of Ultron. But if we had to guess, we’d still put money down on Thor getting his hammer back before teaming up with the Avengers again.

What do you think about the reappearance of Thor’s hammer? Let us know in the comment section below!

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