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This Time It’s Tim Burton Meets ORPHAN BLACK in Another Badass Fan Mash-Up

Listen, we’re not exactly big fans of repeating ideas — and certainly not so quickly after that Frozen one. But when we saw this latest Tim Burton fan art mash-up featuring the clones of Orphan Black, we couldn’t say no. Because the Frankenweenie/The Corpse Bride take on the sestrahood like no other is completely adorable and absolutely horrific. And don’t worry, we mean that as a compliment.

In a series of illustrations by tattoo artist/Tumblr user En Tze that we’re dubbing Orphanweenie — because why wouldn’t you? — the DYAD’s most precious cargo are brought back to new life, raised from the dead, and fought over in the sketchy stylings of the playful creepyking. Given the morbid nature of the show’s jumping-off point (oof, OK, maybe that word choice wasn’t great) — Sarah Manning witnessing Elizabeth Childs killing herself with the help of an oncoming train — Burton’s obsession with life and death feels wholly apt. And it gives new life to the series — literally!

In the illustrations below, not only is Elizabeth Childs brought back to life (and reunited with her best clone friend, Alison Hendrix), but Cosima is shown as a reanimated being, too. No doubt that last one’s a bit more ominous, considering the peril Cosima’s mysterious lung polyps currently have her in (we’re afraid of next week’s new episode, “Ipsa Scientia Potestas“).

Our favorite is, of course, the cult wedding dress-wearing Helena, all bloodied and obsessive in her need for her twin sestra’s love. Who, we should mention, looks hilariously unamused, because of course. Personally we’re sort of dying to see a Helena/Rachel Duncan face-off anyway. Those two wouldn’t know what hit them in either regard.

What do you think of the illustrations? Let us know in the comments!

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  1. Wow! Tim Burton and Orphan Black together–my two faves combined. I’m in heaven! 🙂

  2. nic says:

    Love them!!!