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Jimmy Urine and Chantal Claret Make a Creepy Children’s Song for NERDIST PRESENTS: THE HIVE

I am the world’s biggest wimp. Not afraid to admit that. The first time I ever watched Scream I committed the titular command like thirty times and have had to sleep with the lights on until like… last month. The weirdest thing about that formative experience is that I now love a good horror film. Being deathly afraid of a cinematic experience is something I really learned to appreciate from all the horror masters throughout the years–most especially John Carpenter, because his scores were so iconic and insidious.

With that in mind, I am particularly excited to premiere a special alternate version of “All Together Friends Forever”, featuring Jimmy Urine (Mindless Self Indulgence) and Chantal Claret. The song is from the forthcoming film Nerdist Presents: The Hive, which premieres September 14 as a one-night Fathom Event (snag some spooky tix here, ya’ll!). The track features a creepy-as-shit chorus of children singing a would-be cheerful nursery rhyme, but when paired with the generally terrifying vibes of The Hive, the song becomes a twisted, warped, and demonic.

According to director Dave Yarovesky, an alternate version of the track by Tour Crush will play during the film and after the end credits of The Hive, which means that I will most definitely already be crying by the time the haunted tune emanates from the theater’s speakers. Actually, I am already really nervous. Oh, man.

Check out the trailer for Nerdist Presents: The Hive, below, and if you want to creep out your trick-or-treaters this Halloween, be sure to pick up both versions of “All Together Friends Forever” right here.

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