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This STRANGER THINGS 8-Bit Video Game Looks Like It’d Be So Much Fun

You can’t blame the Stranger Things kids for not spending too much time playing video games, what with the Demogorgon wreaking multi-dimensional havoc and taking up much of their free time with its antics. Also, Nintendo hadn’t even released the NES yet, and at the end of 1983, when the show takes place, the country would have been directly in the midst of the video game crash of 1983.

Before we get too off track, our point is that the tense drama, creepy environments, and engaging characters of Stranger Things could have made for a fun RPG game. We already sort of got one, but while the rendition we’ve already seen was a recreation of a single scene, this new video from CineFlix (via takes us through the entire plot of the show, all in 8-bit glory.

The video is worth it for the chiptune version of its iconic theme song alone, which totally sounds like vintage The Legend of Zelda music. Beyond that, the video (above), and our upcoming description of it, has spoilers to boot, so keep that in mind before you proceed.

It’s tough to condense an entire season of television into a four-minute video, but this one manages to cram most of the details in, from illuminating Eleven’s face with flashlights in the rainy woods to the Christmaslight communication system on the wall. Eleven’s climactic showdown with the Demogorgon is also rendered beautifully, as are a bunch of other scenes that look more detailed than we had any right to expect.

Check out the video above while we wait for somebody to petition Netflix so they’ll make this into a real game.

Featured Image: CineFix

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