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This Interview with a Weird Satanist is the Best Thing You’ll See All Week

“Notice me, senpai! Notice meeeeeeeee.”

With those five words, America fell in love with a weird little Satanist waiting in line to catch a glimpse of the newly-installed statue of Baphomet in Detroit, Michigan. That is without a doubt one of the weirdest sentences I’ve ever written–and this is coming from a guy who used to help run a blog called So F–king Metal–but it’s true and it’s wonderful. A video of a WDIV Local 4 News segment of the statue’s unveiling went viral thanks to a lengthy interview with a passionate young man with a spiked fedora and an enduring passion for all things Satanic. Seriously, it has to be seen to be believed.

Though I wish more than anything in this world that the video was real, it is, unfortunately, staged. The statue itself is very real (standing 9 feet tall and costing $100,000), as was the original newscast, but the Satanist in question is also known as Onyx the Fortuitous (a.k.a. Weird Gamer Guy), a character played by my co-worker and dear friend Andrew Bowser. For a moment, I was genuinely convinced that he had traveled to Detroit to see the unveiling of the statue in person, but alas, he slyly edited himself into the real newscast. Many of you may know Bowser from his past work as Onyx, as a director/Broki on Nerdist News, and the writer-director-star of films like The Mother of Invention and Worm. He is one of the most prolific and, as you can see in the video above, one of the funniest/weirdest people I know.

Even if Onyx isn’t real, the rest of the Internet is catching on to his oddball brilliance, even catching the attention of celebrities like Courtney Love:

There has even been an AMA request on reddit, perhaps from some awestruck users hoping to gain insight into this truly baffling human being. (Onyx, that is; not Bowser). In the meantime, take a peek at the last time Onyx graced the Nerdist crew with his presence. Or don’t. I dunno.

HT: Amalgam Studios

Dan Casey is the senior editor of Nerdist and the author of 100 Things Avengers Fans Should Know & Do Before They Die. You can follow him on Twitter (@Osteoferocious).

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