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This Godzilla Remix of the Frasier Theme Song Is Secretly The Best Thing On The Internet

Hey baby, I hear the blues a callin…and it sounds like the imminent path of destruction from a massively oversized Kaiju. In fact, tossed salad and scrambled eggs sounds like a much better alternative to getting stomped into oblivion by Godzilla. I mean, which would you choose: brunch or incineration. (If you go to Taco Bell for breakfast you can get both!)

I am not sure why this FrasierGodzilla mashup from 2012 exists, but I am really glad someone told me about it. For anyone who has been within earshot of me for the past year and half, my incessant blather about how much I love this oft-overlooked sitcom (whatever, Friends) from the ’90s has become more than familiar. I recently finished all 11 seasons of the series of the show, which left a hole the size of Frasier Crane’s forehead in my soul. Suffice it to say that this mashup gave me my Frasier fix for the week, as I was prompted to think about the snooty retorts the Crane brothers would toss around once news of the impending monster’s attack on Seattle became public knowledge. Perhaps a bridge & tunnel joke about tourists ruining the city would ensue. God, I wish there was a whole episode about this, but I’ll happily listen to the track as well.

How do you think this stacks up to the Guardians Of The Galaxy-Friends mashup? I really hope a video editor gives the above mashup the intro it so sorely deserves.

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  1. me says:

    Big fan of Frasier.  Big fan of Godzilla. 

    This is stupid.  

  2. crankyd says:

    That was really fucking stupid and a complete WASTE of my time.  Easily one of the WORST, most fucking cuntily LAME pieces of dogshit on the internet, you retarded assholes.  Go Die.

  3. mikedudez says:

    ya that sucks

  4. Shanna says:

    What a disappointment. Godzilla didn’t even smash the city at the end. That’s 36 seconds I’ll never get back.

  5. English Bob says:

    I don’t get it.

  6. Frankie says:

    it’s not really remix if it just has Godzilla roars added. I mean i was hoping for Godzilla inserted into scenes of Frasier! I appreciate a good Skreeonk tho 

  7. Tony says:

    Does Matt Mira approve?

  8. Kyle says:

    I’m currently binging Frasier for the first time. This was great to see.

  9. NachoKingP says:

    Ummm….no it’s not.  There are about a billion things better than than.